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词汇 trying to find
例句 We're trying to find a solution that will be acceptable to everyone.我们正努力寻求一个能被所有人接受的解决方案。She's trying to find a publisher who will take a chance on her book. 她正努力找个愿意赌一把的出版商为她出书。For months, he had been trying to find a way into/to her heart. 数月以来,他一直在努力获取她的芳心。Josh had just had a slight mishap with the breadknife, and was trying to find a Band-Aid.乔希用面包刀的时候受了点小伤,正在找邦迪创可贴。He raked through the drawers, trying to find the letter.他翻遍了所有抽屉,想找到那封信。We ought not to bring in extraneous matters in trying to find a basis for a settlement.我们努力寻求解决问题的基础时,不应该牵扯进无关的事情。The men were casting about, trying to find the trail.这些人四处寻找,试图找到踪迹。She is trying to find work in publishing.她正努力在出版界找一份工作。He rummaged through his desk drawer trying to find a pen.他翻遍书桌抽屉,想要找到一支笔。The traveller roamed about the town trying to find a suitable hotel.旅人在城里四处寻觅,想找一家合适的旅馆。She roamed through the village trying to find the house which she had once lived in.她在村庄里走来走去想找到她过去曾居住过的房子。He is faced with the conundrum of trying to find a job without experience.他面临想去求职又没有工作经验的难题。The committee does not blame any individual; we are merely trying to find out how the accident happened.委员会并不是要指责任何人,我们只是想找出事故的起因。We're trying to find the correct way to deal with the problem.我们正试图找到处理这个问题的恰当方法。Sometimes trying to find something on the worldwide web is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.有时候在互联网上找东西就和大海捞针一样难。She is trying to find a way out of her dilemma.她正努力寻找摆脱困境的出路。For the past month he's been spending all his energy trying to find a job.过去的一个月里,他竭尽全力想找份工作。They are trying to find an honorable way out of this dispute.他们正试图找到一个体面的方式来摆脱这场纷争。I am trying to find out who ratted on me.我正在设法想方设法找出是谁出卖了我。We're still trying to find backers for the housing development scheme.我们还在努力为住房开发计划寻找赞助商。I was grovelling under the sofa, trying to find my contact lens.我正爬到沙发底下找我的隐形眼镜。Stock has been going missing from the stock room, and we're trying to find out who is responsible.仓库里不断丢失货物,我们在设法查出是谁干的。I was trying to find the museum, but I got hopelessly lost.我想找到博物馆,却完全迷路了。She was delving in a brawer trying to find the missing ring.她在抽屉里翻找她那丢失的戒指。He raked through his pockets, trying to find a pen.他仔细搜他的口袋,想找一支钢笔。A series of killings took place in the State of Florida. The authorities are trying to find who the perpetrator was.美国的佛罗里达州发生了连续杀人事件。执法单位正在找肇事者。My latest project is trying to find a site for a shop I want to open.我最近的计划是找个地方开店。People were rushing about, trying to find the driver.人们跑来跑去,想找到那位司机。George was groping about in the dark, trying to find the light switch.乔治在黑暗中摸索着,试图找到电灯开关。Charles began writing as a way of trying to find himself.查尔斯开始写作,以试图发现自我。Dr Chalmers is trying to find out how many people may have contracted the disease in her area.查默斯医生试图了解在她负责的地区有多少人可能染上该病。The police are trying to find the relatives of the deceased.警方正试图寻找死者的亲属。I'm still trying to find out the story behind this new policy.我仍在努力搞清楚这项新政背后的故事。Scientists are trying to find more efficient ways of utilizing solar energy.科学家正在寻找能更有效地利用太阳能的方法。The whole of the morning was wasted trying to find the documents.整个上午都找文件浪费掉了。They were trying to find food for their brood.它们正设法为自己的一窝雏鸟觅食。Their lawyer said that he would leave no stone unturned in trying to find more evidence.他们的律师说他会尽可能找到更多的证据。Drug companies are trying to find an alternative drug, which will not have such serious side-effects.制药公司想找一种不会产生这么大的副作用的替代药品。He was always trying to find a new girlfriend and seemed to enjoy the thrill of the chase.他总是不断地想换女朋友,似乎很享受追求的刺激。Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease.科学家们正试图找到预防疾病的方法。




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