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例句 I should have just dittoed her post rather than try to paraphrase it.我本应该只是把她的邮件复制一遍,而不是试着去改述。The authorities must try to recover arrears of rent.当局必须设法追回拖欠的租金。Don't try to shift the blame onto me. 不要试图栽赃嫁祸于我。The wrestlers try to seize hold of each other.摔跤选手力图抓住对方。I try to play regularly to keep my eye in.我尽量经常练习,免得球技生疏了。What he has done, as I understand it, is to try to arrange a meeting.据我所知,他是在设法安排一次会见。My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher.我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅。Don't try to cop out by telling me you're too busy!别想跟我推脱说你太忙。I try to vary my diet by eating different kinds of foods.我尽量吃不同种类的食物,使饮食多样化。We'll try to add a little zip to the usual recipe.我们打算想办法在日常菜谱的做法上加点花样。Bear with me, Frank, just let me try to explain.耐心一点,弗兰克,让我来解释。Some people try to gain advantage by exploiting their personal contacts.一些人试图利用他们的个人关系来谋利。It would be insane to try to go camping in this kind of weather.这种天气去露营真是疯了。We must try to satisfy the needs of the multitude.我们一定要设法满足广大民众的要求。The opposition will try to force the bill through Parliament.反对党将试图强行在议会通过这一法案。I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible.我会尽量不惹人注意。The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.政府使货币贬值以振兴衰退的经济。Just try to do the job to the best of your ability.试着尽你所能把这项工作做好。The invalid is very irritable, but we try to bear with him.那病人极易发怒,但我们尽量容忍他。You should try to work at an even rate instead of taking it easy one day and working flat out the next.你应该尽量保持平稳的工作速度,而不是一天优哉游哉,第二天就忙得不可开交。The government will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas.政府将继续努力重建内城地区。Why don't we set to work really early, and try to get it finished in one day?我们为什么不一早就开始,在一天之内把它干完呢?I'll try to sing for you, but I'm very rusty.我将试着唱给你听,但我因荒疏而很不熟练。Practicing karate twice a week might be enough, but you should try to do it a bit more.每周练习两次空手道也许足够,但是你得再多练练。The committee will try to make the case for systemic reform.委员会将努力为全局性的改革创造条件。We'll try to prevail with him to accept the invitation.我们将尽力说服他接受邀请。We will try to match you to employers with the vacancies you are looking for.我们会争取为你找到提供你所需职位的用人单位。The police try to be responsive to the needs of the community.警方尽量对社区的各种需要作出积极的回应。They hectored their colleagues to try to get results.为了拿到结果,他们威吓同事。We must try to second-guess what he'll do next.我们必须预测他下一步的行动。You must try to cast those thoughts aside.你必须努力打消这些想法。A constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government.选举产生了制宪会议,以努力就新的政体达成一致。Immigrant families often try to continue cultural traditions.移民家庭常会尽量保持文化传统。I'll try to put some flesh on the plan Margaret has outlined.我来具体说说玛格丽特刚才简单介绍的这个计划。John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords.约翰·梅杰不会在上议院安插亲信。They try to maintain harmony between the two communities.他们试图维持两个社团之间的和睦。That forced peasant farmers to try to eke a living off steep hillsides .那迫使农民们努力在陡峭的山坡上勉强维持生计。The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.社会民主党誓言要将该议案拖到本次议会会议结束之后。Never try to overtake on a bend.千万别在转弯处超车。I'll try to fit you into my schedule.我会设法安排时间与你会面。




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