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词汇 funds
例句 The treasurer controls the expenditure of funds.司库监督资金的使用。There are insufficient funds to pay the debt.缺乏足够的资金来偿还债务。The physician was accused of receiving questionable funds from a druggist.这个医生被控告接受了药商的值得怀疑的资金。Most commodity funds track a specific commodity index.多数商品基金都会跟踪某种具体的商品价格指数。I'm a little low on funds just now.我目前手头有点拮据。Construction of the tunnel was brought to a crashing halt when the funds ran out.资金用完后,隧道建设也就骤然停顿下来。Members obediently answered the calls for funds.会员都顺从地响应了募集资金的号召。They voted to withhold funds from any organization which didn't sign the agreement.他们投票赞成扣押未在协议上签字的所有组织的资金。Educational standards are degenerating year by year because of a lack of funds.由于缺乏资金,教育水准连年下降。Some of the money would come from the general-purpose funds.将有部分钱款来自普通基金。I am organising a benefit gig in Bristol to raise these funds.我要在布里斯托尔组织一场义演来募集这些资金。We do not, as a rule, provide funds for this type of project.我们一般不为这种项目提供资金。The project had to be halted due to lack of funds.由于资金匮乏,项目只得中断。The city will appropriate funds for the new airport.该市将拨款建造新机场。But the funds had in fact been lodged in overseas accounts.但是,这笔资金实际上已经存到海外账户里了。This would result in a massive diversion of funds.这会导致资金用途的巨大改变。Clients can withdraw funds without any notice.客户无需通知即可撤回资金。They draw on funds from a common pool.他们动用共用基金。The clerk recouped his losses at the racecourse by embezzling funds from his bank.那行员盗用银行公款来弥补他在赛马场赌输的损失。Big pension funds have a constant flow of cash.大型退休基金有持续的现金流。Following the repairs to the roof, church funds are now seriously depleted.在对屋顶进行修缮之后,教堂的资金现在严重吃紧。Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business.公司融资是要为日常运作提供资金。The Government funds university teaching.政府为高校教学提供资金。He got caught skimming off funds from the charity.他被发现从慈善机构窃取钱财。The church commissioners are cutting their contributions to diocesan funds.英格兰国教委员会正在减少对教区基金的善款拨付。He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.他把自己的资金预付给他的公司,而公司却不能把钱偿还给他。The government is criticised for not handing on information about missing funds.政府因未能就下落不明的资金提供相关信息而遭到批评。When hospital funds are being allocated children take priority.分配医院经费的时候优先考虑儿童。We have used up this year's allotment of funds.我们已经把今年划拨的资金全都用完了。The officials were charged with illegal diversion of public funds. 官员们被控挪用公款。It will be a challenge to raise campaign funds for the election.为竞选筹措资金会很困难。The government is to channel more funds into local projects.政府将调拨更多资金用于地方工程。Have enough funds been allocated to finance the project?是否有足够的资金投入到了这个项目?He used the funds only sparingly.他很少动用资金。We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds.我们需要一个愿意争取应得资金的好经理。The funds will go towards improving road and rail services.这笔经费将用来改善公路和铁路运输服务状况。I asked the school to advance the funds for my trip.我向学校请求预付我的旅行费用。Owing to a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.由于缺乏资金,该项目明年将停止进行。The hand-sewn quilts will be sold at a Christmas Craft Fair to raise funds for the arts project.这些手工缝制的被子将在圣诞工艺品展览会上出售,为艺术项目筹款。The funds are nearly exhausted.资金几乎用完了。




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