例句 |
I've landscaped my tiny front yard with tall grasses.我用了一些高大的草来美化屋前的小花园。The front yard is fenced for privacy.房前的花园围上了围栏以获得私密性。If you're sitting in the front yard, you can't hear yourself think because the traffic is getting very, very bad.如果你坐在前院,就会被吵死,因为外面交通太混乱了。Mr. Brown bought some turfs to repair the lawn in his front yard.布朗先生买了一些草皮块来修补他家前院的草坪。The kids built a snowman in the front yard.孩子们在前面院子里堆了一个雪人。The delivery men just left the furniture in my front yard. I was flabbergasted.送货的人把我的家具就放在前院里,我吓得目瞪口呆。 |