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词汇 laying
例句 They didn't think twice about laying off hundreds of employees.他们不假思索地就辞退了几百名员工。He began laying about among them with his stick.他开始抡棒打他们。The police are laying/setting a trap to catch him.警方正设伏抓捕他。If Bob starts laying down the law, just tell him to shut up.如果鲍勃开始发号施令,那就叫他闭嘴。We're busy laying the groundwork for another campaign.我们正忙着为另一场活动做准备。They were busy laying the drains for the new houses.他们正忙着给新房铺设下水道。Outside the club, two men were laying into each other.俱乐部外面有两名男子在打架。My hens have stopped laying.我的母鸡已经不下蛋了。The hens aren't laying in winter.这些母鸡冬天不下蛋。The caterers were already laying out the tables for lunch.负责餐饮的人已经在为午餐摆桌了。We wrestled with the issue/problem of how to cut costs without laying off workers.我们正在解决如何在不裁员的情况下削减成本的难题。I'm not laying a place at table for him.我不准备在餐桌上给他安排一个位置。They are laying pipes under the road.他们正在铺设路下面的管子。She helped to build a house, learning the rudiments of brick-laying as she went along.她参与了盖房子,并在施工过程中学习了砌砖的基本技巧。To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick!称他为天才有点言过其实了! She learned the rudiments of brick-laying, wiring and plumbing.她学习了砌砖、布线和管道工程的基本知识。I'm laying ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen.我正在厨房里铺地面瓷砖。They will be laying on liquid refreshment to fortify brides-to-be for the shopping extravaganza ahead.他们将为准新娘们准备些酒,好让她们接下来有充沛精力疯狂购物。She was laying out the cheese and crackers for the guests.她正为客人摆放奶酪和饼干。Japanese car makers are laying ever more stress on European sales.日本汽车制造商比以往任何时候都更加重视欧洲市场的销售情况。She can't just come into this office and start laying down the law.她不能一进办公室的门就开始发号施令。The hens began laying in October.这些母鸡十月份开始下蛋。The test is entirely physical, laying no claims on the entrants' intelligence.这次测验完全是测体力,对参加者的智力不提任何要求。We are laying plans now in order to be successful in the future.我们现在作好打算,为的是将来取得成就。The initial negotiations are seen as laying the basis for more detailed talks.初期磋商被视作为进一步会谈做准备。You're laying up trouble for yourself if you ignore health problems now.如果现在不重视健康,就会为将来留下隐患。We are laying the groundwork/foundation for additional research.我们正在为进一步的研究奠定基础。They're laying a new gas main through the town.他们正在铺设穿过这个镇的一条新的煤气主管道。They were laying to rob a bank.他们正策划抢银行。I could hear him laying down the law.我听到他在发号施令。Madame Bernice claimed to be able to heal people simply by laying her hands on their bodies.伯尼斯夫人称,只要将自己的双手放到病人身上就能治好他们的病。He was busy leveling the ground and laying turves.他正忙于平整土地铺草皮。You should have heard my wife laying into me about coming home late last night.你真该听听我妻子责骂我昨晚晚回家的话。After laying off hundreds of workers, the company isn't going to win any popularity contests around here. 解雇了数百名工人后,这家公司在这里不再受欢迎了。The caterers were already laying out the tables for lunch.饮食服务人员已经开始摆设午餐用的餐桌了。Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land or giving birth to live young.爬行动物的繁殖方式是在陆地上产卵,或是直接产下成活的幼体。The hens stopped laying in winter.这些母鸡冬天停止了产蛋。Cuckoos are famous for laying their eggs in the nests of other birds.杜鹃以在其他鸟的窝巢里下蛋而闻名。I wish my parents would stop laying a guilt trip on me for not going to college.我希望父母不要因为我没上大学这件事老是要让我受良心的责备。The gardener was busy laying turf.园丁正忙于舖草皮。




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