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例句 Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.达尔文创立了物竞天择的理论。Together they formulated an escape plan.他们一起制订了一个逃生计划。The conditions were formulated by the President himself.条件是由总统本人逐一提出的。Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape.他一点一点地设计构思出了逃跑的方案。We are studying the situation but have not formulated any response yet.我们正在研究形势,但尚未考虑好如何回应。We formulated our own strategy.我们制订了自己的对策。Changes to the education system should be formulated by teachers not politicians.教育制度的改革计划应由教师而不是政客来制定。His ideas are always very carefully formulated.他总是非常认真地阐述自己的想法。The milk is specially formulated for babies.这种牛奶是专门为婴儿配制的。You can guard against possible allergies by choosing products formulated for sensitive skin.您可以选择敏感肌肤配方产品,以防止发生过敏。A long-range plan is being formulated. 一项长远计划正在构思之中。He formulated the concept of imaginary time.他创造了虚拟时间这一概念。Her questions were well-formulated and incisive.她的问题提得很好,个个切中要害。




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