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词汇 forgettable
例句 He has acted in three forgettable action films.他曾在三部普普通通的动作片中扮演过角色。It was an extremely forgettable performance.这是一场转瞬即忘的演出。Dennis White scored the only goal in an otherwise forgettable game.丹尼斯‧怀特射进了原本平淡无奇的比赛中的唯一一粒进球。It sounds like an advert: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.这听起来像广告词:听着简单易懂,但是枯燥乏味,容易忘记。He'd had a role in one or two forgettable movies.他在一两部不起眼的影片中饰演过角色。He was average height, average build, with mousy hair and a forgettable face.他中等身高、中等身材、灰褐色头发,长着一张过目即忘的脸。He brayed and neighed through a dozen forgettable comedies.他用马嘶般的声音参演了十几部让人看完即忘的喜剧。The film was bland and forgettable.这部电影枯燥乏味,看完就忘。




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