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词汇 floods
例句 After the floods, contaminated water was a serious threat to public health.洪水过后,被污染的水对公众健康是很大的威胁。The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.这一地区饱受干旱/洪涝/战争的蹂躏。Pipes hadn't been properly jointed, so we had constant leaks and floods.管道没有接好,所以老是漏水、跑水。The country has been devastated by floods.该国遭洪水蹂躏。The river will be dyked to avert floods.为了防止洪水将为这条河筑堤。The floods caused a landslide.洪水导致了山体滑坡。It will take many years to repair the damage caused by the floods.这场洪水造成的破坏要花很多年才能修复。The area is subject to drought and floods.这一地区易遭受干旱和洪涝。Insurance companies are having to shell out millions of pounds to the victims of the floods.保险公司将要向水灾的受灾者支付几百万英镑的赔款。The floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.洪水过后,留下了一地污泥和连根拔起的树。Natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes are common occurrences in California.像洪水和地震这类自然灾害是加州常见的事。In 1975, the floods in that area made 233,000 people homeless.一九七五年该地区的洪水使得二十三万三千人无家可归。Summer flash floods destroyed the crops.夏天突发的洪水毁坏了庄稼。Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.整个整个的村庄被洪水吞没。The floods were responsible for over a hundred deaths.洪水造成一百多人死亡。A series of calamities ruined them - floods, a failed harvest, and the death of a son.一连串的灾难击垮了他们——洪水、歉收、丧子。We were warned to clear off before the floods came.我们得到警告,要我们在洪水来到之前离开。We were in floods of tears at the end of the movie.电影结尾时我们都泪如雨下。The region has been cursed with a series of floods.该地区接二连三地遭到洪水袭击。Heavy rainfall in the mountains caused the floods.山区的暴雨引发了洪灾。There was a Dunkirk spirit in the village during the floods.在水灾期间,村子里充满着敦刻尔克精神。I found her in floods of tears in the toilets.我发现她在洗手间里哭得像个泪人似的。We had to make a long detour because of the floods.因为路面被淹没了,我们不得不绕很长的弯路。The topography of the river's basin has changed significantly since the floods.洪水过后,这条河流经区域的地貌发生了显著变化。The committee drew up a draft strategy for dealing with future floods.委员会草拟了一份应对未来洪灾的策略。Forecasting floods is not an exact science.对洪水的预测并不是一门精确科学。They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.他们在房屋周围堆沙袋以抵御洪水的侵袭。The city of Ormac took the full force of the winds and devastating floods.奥马克城受到了狂风和灾难性洪水的猛烈袭击。On the plains the farmers have to deal with frequent floods, but up in the hills their problems are of a different nature.在平原上农民要应付接二连三的水灾,但在山上他们遇到的问题又是另一种类型的了。Weather modification in one area often causes drought or floods in another region.在一个地区的人工影响天气常常会在另一地区引起干旱或水灾。The town was destroyed by the floods after the storm.这座城镇被暴风雨后的洪水冲毁了。The southwest of England has been badly hit by floods.英格兰西南部遭受了严重的洪灾。The new dam was a bulwark against future floods.新水坝是将来抵御洪水的屏障。Streets and houses were drowned by the floods.洪水淹没了街道和房屋。The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts.洪水是救灾工作的一大障碍。Archaeologists think that massive floods could have wiped out the dinosaurs.考古学家认为可能是大洪水使恐龙灭绝的。No system is designed to cope with the floods we have had this year.还没有办法来应对我们今年遇到的水灾。Some of these flood shelters are on raised platforms, which have allowed government helicopters to land amid the continuing floods.其中一些防洪棚搭建在高台上,高台可供政府的直升机在持续的洪水中降落。They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.他们把洪水视为神灵发怒的征兆。After the heavy rains, floods ensued.大雨之后,接著发生了洪水。




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