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词汇 flickering
例句 They watched the ceremony on a flickering black-and-white television set.他们在一台屏幕闪烁的黑白电视机上观看了庆典。She was reading by the flickering light of the candle.她借著闪烁的烛光读书。The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蜡烛在墙上投下巨大而跳动的影子。The overhead light kept flickering off and on.头顶上的灯光一直忽明忽暗。On clear nights we were spellbound by the strange flickering of the Northern lights in the sky.清朗的夜晚,我们出神地看着空中闪闪烁烁、神秘莫测的北极光。There was something strange about the flickering blue light.闪烁的蓝光有点怪异。I think the bulb is going to go. It's been flickering all evening.我想这只灯泡就要坏了,它整个晚上一直在闪。A TV was flickering in the background.电视机在背景处忽明忽暗。The light keeps flickering – there must be a loose connection.灯不停地闪,一定是接头松了。The TV is flickering again.电视图像又在闪。Shadows were flickering upon the studio floor.影子在摄影室的地板上摇曳。She could still see the light flickering behind her closed lids.闭上眼睛她仍能看见灯光闪烁。The flickering firelight held us in a pocket of warmth.忽明忽暗的火光将我们包围在一团温暖中。She rocked the baby gently, gazing in abstraction at the flickering fire.她轻轻地摇晃着宝宝,出神地望着摇曳的火光。He kept his eyes on the flickering flames.他的双眼一直盯着闪烁的火苗。The lamp gave off a flickering and inconstant light.灯发出忽明忽暗摇曳的光。




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