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词汇 fell out
例句 Some of them fell out from fatigue.他们中的几位由于疲劳而掉队。They fell out over some stupid little issue.他们为一些无谓的小事闹翻了。They fell out over her.他们因为她而争吵。Coal fell out of the fire, and burned the carpet.炉火中迸出的煤块烧着了地毯。He thumped his head on the floor when he fell out of bed.他掉下床时,头砰的一声撞在地板上。The paper unrolled and something fell out from inside.那卷纸展开了,有件东西从里面掉出来。Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush.路易斯从树上掉下来落到冬青树丛中。Not a single man fell out in the long march.在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。They were due to perform a duet last year but fell out during rehearsals.去年他们原本打算表演二重唱,但在排练中闹翻了。She yanked open the cupboard door and everything fell out.她猛地打开橱柜,所有东西都掉了出来。It fell out that they were late for the train.他们终于没有赶上火车。She fell out with some of her school friends.她和几个要好的同学闹翻了。Some loose pages fell out of the book.几张散页纸从书里掉了下来。She fell out with her husband.她与丈夫闹翻了。As he picked up the envelope,a key fell out.他拾起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。Maria fell out with some of her colleagues and decided to look for a new job.玛丽亚与几位同事闹翻,于是决定另找工作。Coal fell out of the fire and burned the carpet.煤渣从炉火里掉出来烧坏了地毯。Hailstones suddenly fell out of the sky.天空突然降下冰雹。Journalists and producers who fell out of favour were fired immediately.失宠的记者和制作人马上被开除了。Murray left the company after he fell out with the chairman over his salary.默里因为薪水的事和董事长闹崩了,之后离开了公司。They fell out over money.他们为钱发生了争吵。I lost my grip on the branch, and fell out of the tree.我未能抓牢树枝,从树上掉了下来。Jung and Freud fell out when Jung disagreed with some of Freud's central theories.荣格与弗洛伊德闹翻是因为荣格不同意弗洛伊德的一些中心理论。Tom's generosity to his friends was matched by vindictiveness to those who fell out of his favour.汤姆对朋友慷慨大方,同时对不再喜欢的人又非常记恨。She opened the cupboard and everything fell out.她打开壁橱,东西全部掉了出来。My hair fell out in clumps.我的头发一蓬一蓬地脱落。He fell out of his bunk and hit the floor with a bang.他从铺位落下,砰的一声掉在地上。A mum slashed a neighbour's car tyre and challenged her to a fight after their daughters fell out.两家的女儿吵起来后,一个妈妈划破了邻居的车胎,说要和她较量较量。The young prince soon fell out of favour with the people when he became the king.年轻的王子成为国王后很快就失去了人民的爱戴。The bag broke and the apples fell out.袋子裂开了,苹果掉了出来。The soldiers fell out of the barracks for inspection.士兵们走出营房列队以待检阅。They fell out last year, and they won't even speak to each other now.他们去年吵翻后,现在彼此甚至连话都不说了。Fred fell out of the tree and broke his arm.弗雷德从树上掉了下来,摔折了手臂。The nail fell out of position before I could hammer it.没等我动手钉,钉子就掉下来了。I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.我笑得差一点从椅子上掉下来。It fell out that I was wrong.结果证明是我错了。The two countries fell out in a bitter wrangle over imports.这两个国家在有关进口问题的激烈争论中闹翻了。The men fell out of the ranks to take a rest.士兵们原地解散休息。The pen fell out of his fingers.钢笔从他手中掉落了下来。It fell out that we were in the town on that very day.那天我们恰好在镇上。




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