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Four members of the family had been poisoned, but not fatally.这家中有四口人被人投毒,但未致命。We heard that my brother had been fatally wounded in the battle, and died two days later.我们听说我哥哥在战场上受了致命伤,两天以后就死了。He was shot and fatally injured.他受了致命枪伤。The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.据报告,死去的那位士兵胸部受了致命伤。The arteries in his neck had become fatally congested.他颈动脉栓塞,危在旦夕。The motorbike rider, Gregory Watts, was fatally injured in the crash.摩托车手格雷戈里·沃茨在这次撞车事故中受了致命伤。The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.据报道,死去的那位士兵是胸部受了致命伤。Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future.现在失败会彻底毁掉他未来的机会。His father had been fatally injured in an explosion in the mine where he worked.他父亲在所工作的煤矿发生爆炸时受了致命伤。Bolton's idea was fatally flawed.博尔顿的观点存在致命的漏洞。Two officers were fatally injured in the explosion.两名警察在爆炸中受了致命伤。He was shot and fatally injured by a sniper.他被一名狙击手击中,身受重伤。He has been fatally undermined by his own finance minister.他的地位被自己的财政部长完全动摇了。Failure now could fatally damage his chances.现在的失败会彻底毁掉他的机会。The government have fatally underestimated public feeling on the matter.政府严重低估了公众对此事的抵触情绪。The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.故事结尾让人很失望,这样的结尾严重削弱了故事情节。The arteries in his neck had become fatally congested.他的颈部动脉发生致命性栓塞。The Prime Minister's opponents believe that her authority has been fatally weakened.首相的反对者认为她的权威已经受到致命削弱。Franco crowed that the United Nations was fatally wounded.佛朗哥吹嘘说联合国遭到了致命打击。It is fatally easy to pass off our prejudices as our opinions.把偏见充作定见而提出是容易的,但后果不堪设想。Her authority has been fatally weakened.她的权威受到严重削弱。The scheme was fatally flawed.这个方案有致命缺陷。She was fatally wounded in a car crash.她在撞车事故中受了致命伤。He was fatally stabbed.他受到致命的刺伤。The regime was fatally weakened by the unrest and violence.社会动荡和暴力活动使这一政权遭到了致命性的削弱。The bank manager was fatally wounded during the robbery.在这次抢劫案中,银行经理受了致命伤。One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.其中一名驾驶员受了致命伤,已通知其至亲。The two ships collided fatally.两船相撞,船毁人亡。He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape.他在设法逃跑的时候受了致命伤。 |