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例句 E-commerce was then seen as a booming economic area.电子商务那时被视为日趋繁荣的经济领域。He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.被视为异端分子,并且因为自己的观点遭到取笑和排斥。The building is regarded as one of the jewels of modern architecture.这座大楼被视为现代建筑的瑰宝。The flowers have been prized over the centuries for their heady perfume.这花香气袭人,数百年来都被视为珍品。There is a continuing debate about the age at which a human foetus can be considered viable.关于人类胎儿在何时可被视为已有生命的问题仍处于争论中。Disagreeing with the Government would be seen as disloyalty to our boys at the front.反对政府会被视为对前方战士的背叛。This venture is seen as an acid test of the alliance.这次冒险被视为对同盟的决定性考验。Any show of emotion would be construed as a weakness.任何感情的流露都被视为软弱的表现。Professor Ross is regarded as the oracle on eating disorders.罗斯教授被视为研究进食障碍方面的专家。Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade.科尔马长期以来一直被视为葡萄酒贸易中心。Horse-racing was once considered vulgar and lower class in Japan.赛马在日本曾一度被视为是粗俗的下层社会游戏。All great truths begin as blasphemies.一切伟大的真理起初都被视为大逆不道的邪说。He was regarded as a miracle worker, the man who took risks and could not lose.被视为一个创造奇迹的人,甘冒风险却不会失败。This move will be seen as a sign of weakness.这一行动将被视为软弱的标志。He argues that regulations should not be viewed as barriers to progress.他认为规定不应被视为对进步的阻碍。Germany is seen as a key player within the European Union.德国被视为欧盟中的一支关键力量。Expensive cars are seen as an emblem of success.豪华汽车被视为成功的标志。It is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies.新的真理在刚出现的时候往往注定被视为异端。Van Dyck was regarded as the greatest painter of his time.凡·戴克被视为他那个时代最伟大的画家。The monthly trade figures are seen as an indicator of the health of the economy.每月的贸易数字被视为经济状况的指标。He is regarded as an arbiter of taste in the world of jazz.他在爵士乐圈子被视为权威人士。The diversity of languages among our schoolkids should be seen as a benefit, and not as a disadvantage.我们学校的孩子讲五花八门的语言,这应该被视为一个有利条件,而不是缺点。The man's running away was regarded as presumptive evidence of his guilt.那人的逃跑被视为他有罪的推定证据。Jonathan Swift was presumed to be a misanthrope, a hater of his own species.过去,乔纳森·斯威夫特被视为一个厌世者,一个憎恨自己同类的人。Greed, pride, envy, and lust are considered to be vices.贪婪、骄傲、妒忌和淫欲都被视为罪恶。He might be considered little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。Single people are treated as an aberration and made to pay a supplement.单身人士被视为另类,而且还要付额外的服务费用。The sisters were treated as local heroes after rescuing a two-year-old boy from drowning.救起一名两岁的溺水男孩后,这对姐妹在当地被视为英雄。Electric lighting was still considered a daring innovation when it was installed in my grandfather's house.我祖父的房子里装电灯时,电灯尚被视为一项大胆的革新。The Eiffel Tower was considered a monstrosity when it was first built.埃菲尔铁塔初建成时被视为丑陋的庞然大物。They should be considered economic refugees.他们应该被视为经济难民。This company is seen as a gauge of our industrial well-being.这家公司被视为衡量我们的工业是否呈良性发展的标尺。The business is no longer regarded as a citadel of commerce.该行业不再被视为贸易的堡垒。Certain animals were regarded as sacred.有些动物被视为圣物。Her actions were seen as unpatriotic.她的行为被视为不爱国。Endangering their lives will be regarded as a crime against humanity.危害他们的生命将被视为犯下了反人类罪。The President's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business.总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性表示,受到了欢迎。Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确。It's sometimes considered bad manners to lean your elbows on the table when you're eating.吃饭时双肘支在桌子上有时被视为是不礼貌的。This was the first action taken by a cancer sufferer against a tobacco company, and was seen as a test case.这是第一次有癌症患者对烟草公司提起诉讼,因此被视为判例案件。




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