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例句 Internet polls are considered to be better instruments than telephone polls.网络调查被认为是比电话调查更好的方法。The murder is thought to have been a tit-for-tat response by the Mafia to an earlier gangland killing.这宗凶杀案被认为是黑手党对早前的一宗黑帮杀人事件的复仇行为。It was considered impolitic of him to spend too much time with the party radicals.他花太多时间与党内的激进分子在一起,这被认为是不明智的。He is now recognized as one of the Old Masters of the Dutch school.如今他被认为是荷兰画派的大师之一。Three paintings now thought to be forgeries are included in the show三幅现在被认为是赝品的画也包括在展览中。Thousands of perceived enemies of the State were imprisoned.数以千计被认为是国家公敌的人遭到囚禁。Even among seasoned mountaineers Pinnacle Ridge is considered quite a tough proposition.即使在经验丰富的登山者中,平纳克尔峰也被认为是很难攀登的。Stock market fraud is sometimes regarded as a victimless crime.股市欺诈有时被认为是没有受害人的犯罪。The plants are generally regarded as weeds.这些植物一般都被认为是杂草。The library is prized as the finest of its kind in England.这家图书馆被认为是英格兰同类图书馆中最好的。Liz Quinn was considered an excellent teacher.莉兹·奎因被认为是一位优秀的教师。The bomb attacks have been attributed to a group of international terrorists.爆炸袭击事件被认为是一伙国际恐怖分子所为。To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity.圣泉俗用被认为是亵渎神灵的行为。Humility is considered a virtue.谦虚被认为是一种美德。Dr Bridges is regarded as the world leader in psychosurgery.布里奇斯医生被认为是全球精神外科领域的执牛耳者。His behavior was called provocative and antisocial.他的行为被认为是煽动性的和反社会的。A minister or priest is considered a guardian of faith.牧师或教士被认为是信仰的护卫者。The air crash is thought to have been caused by pilot error.飞机失事被认为是由飞行员失误造成的。Children who talk back are regarded as disrespectful.顶嘴的孩子被认为是放肆无礼,对人不尊敬。Beveridge is usually thought of as the architect of the British National Health Service.贝弗里奇通常被认为是英国国民保健制度的创始人。The bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered species. 白头雕不再被认为是濒危物种。Sexually transmitted diseases have long been implicated in infertility.性传播疾病很早就被认为是不育的一个原因。It's considered improper to be unclothed in public.在公共场合赤身裸体被认为是不成体统的。The theory was dismissed as a lot of hot air.这一理论被认为是空话而没人理会。He is seen as the candidate least able to unite the party.被认为是最没有能力团结政党的候选人。Passengers' comfort was regarded as a detail.旅客的舒适度曾被认为是无关紧要的。It is taken as a given.这事被认为是已知事实。Education was considered a mark of gentility.教育曾被认为是高贵身份的标志。He has come to be considered one of the leading candidates for the job.他已开始被认为是这项工作的主要人选之一。Her outrageous stage act is seen as a challenge to conventional morality.她在舞台上的大胆表演被认为是向传统道德发出的挑战。Miracles are not generally regarded as magical. Nevertheless, they do partake of the same nature.奇迹一般不会被认为是魔法使然,不过二者在本质上有点相似。Trade union activists are often considered unemployable.工会活动激进主义分子通常被认为是不能雇用的。Flared trousers were considered to be the height of fashion in those days.那时喇叭裤被认为是最时髦的服装。Black cats are sometimes thought to be lucky.黑猫有时被认为是吉利的。The devices were tested very carefully and are considered safe.这些设备已仔细地检查过并被认为是安全的。This hotel is reckoned to be one of the best in the country.这家酒店被认为是全国数一数二的。The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.该公告被认为是向正确方向迈进的一步,因而受到欢迎,但也被普遍看作是一种象征性的姿态。America was seen as the land of opportunity.美国被认为是充满机会的国家。She is rated the best in the country.被认为是国内最好的。The sex scenes in the book were considered very shocking at the time when it was published.这本书里面的性爱场面描写在当初出版时被认为是不堪入目的。




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