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词汇 被要求
例句 The motorist may be required to give a urine specimen.驾车者可能被要求提供尿样。Union members were balloted about whether to accept the company's offer.工会会员被要求投票决定是否接受公司的提议。Headteachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire.校长们将被要求完成一份问卷调查。The shoplifters were simply bound over.那些在商店行窃的扒手只被要求具结保证不再偷窃。Anna was requested to make the necessary arrangements for the convention.安娜被要求为会议作必要的安排。The participants were asked to indicate their attitudes to science.参与者被要求申明自己对科学的态度。We were asked to open our hearts and our wallets.我们被要求献出爱心,慷慨捐款。We were asked to translate a list of sentences.我们被要求翻译一组句子。The chefs are pledged to keep the restaurant's special recipe a secret.厨师们被要求发誓不外传这家饭店独特的烹饪秘方。They were asked to leave the premises.他们被要求搬离这个地方。Most people will give a little to charity if they are asked.大多数人被要求捐钱给慈善机构时,都会给一些的。He was asked to give an independent appraisal.被要求作出独立的评价。Pupils are asked to splice video clips together.学生们被要求把视频剪辑接在一起。He was required to give a written undertaking not to disclose the details of their contract.被要求作出书面保证不透露他们合同的任何细节。I've been asked to take the reins while the manager is on holiday.经理休假期间,我被要求代理主管人职权。The trade secretary has been asked to stand aside in favour of her deputy.商会秘书被要求把位置让给她的副手。The convention delegates were asked to sign in at the door.大会代表被要求在门口签到。The transfer is expected to go through by today's noon deadline.转账被要求在今天中午的最后期限之前完成。She was asked to show her press credentials.被要求出示记者证。Applicants are asked to take a written test.申请者被要求参加笔试。Students were asked to read dialogues from the play.学生们被要求诵读这部剧里的对白。They were asked to restrict themselves to one meal a day.他们被要求限制自己每天只吃一顿饭。They were required to surrender their passports.他们被要求交出护照。New citizens are asked to swear allegiance during the citizenship ceremony.在入籍仪式上,新公民被要求宣誓效忠。I'm dreading that I'll be asked to make a speech.我害怕被要求去演讲。Witnesses were asked to stick to the facts and leave aside all emotion and sentiment.证人被要求忠于事实,不搀杂任何的感情和情绪。When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes.当肯·霍姆为英国广播公司写第一本书的时候,他被要求在菜谱里少用些香料和大蒜。He appeared to equivocate when asked to condemn the bombing.被要求对爆炸加以谴责时,他有些闪烁其词。An arresstee was requested to take a breathalyser test.一个被捕者被要求去做呼气测醉的测试。The Allies are being asked to provide more refuges for those fleeing the fighting.同盟国被要求为躲避战乱的难民提供更多的避难所。Several years ago I was called for jury duty.几年前我被要求担任过陪审员。Jack was brought to account for the missing cash.杰克被要求对这笔遗失的现金作出解释。Isabella had been taught unquestioning obedience.伊莎贝拉被要求无条件服从。She was asked to take a polygraph.被要求做一次谎言测试。We were asked to suggest ideas for improving efficiency.我们被要求提交提高效率的方案。Staff members were asked to work on Sundays, with the implication that they would lose their jobs if they refused.员工被要求星期日上班,暗里的意思是谁要是拒绝的话就会丢掉饭碗。He was asked to leave the club following an incident with a knife.在一场刀子引起的意外之后,他被要求离开俱乐部。Demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.示威者被要求具结保证不闹事。Asked for an explanation, Mike had fumbled for words.被要求作出解释时,迈克支支吾吾地找话说。The pilot was asked to slow his approach to the runway.飞行员被要求减速接近跑道。




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