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词汇 fans
例句 Much to the dismay of her fans, she announced her retirement immediately after the book's release.让粉丝们大为失望的是,书出版后她立即宣布退休了。The big band sound of Syd Lawrence and his Orchestra will delight fans.叙德・劳伦斯和他的管弦乐队的大乐队演奏将使音乐迷们欣喜不已。Clough felt he'd become too distanced from his fans.克拉夫感到他和他的仰慕者们过于疏远了。He received a rousing chorus of support from the Ireland fans.他的爱尔兰粉丝们在他面前合唱了一首激动人心的歌曲来表示对他的支持。The police did an admirable job in keeping the fans calm.警方在控制球迷们的激动情绪方面表现可嘉。The fans cheered for their team.球迷为他们的球队加油。I was absolutely disgusted with the way our fans behaved.我对我们球迷的行为极度反感。The fans left the ground quietly, under the watchful gaze of security cameras.在保安摄影机的警惕注视下,球迷静静地离开球场。The band is used to receiving hundreds of letters daily from besotted fans.乐队对每天收到乐迷的数百封来信习以为常。The football fans jostled into the stadium.足球迷们挤挤插插进了体育场。The fans went crazy when the band came onto the stage.乐队出场时,歌迷们都疯狂了。The team's victory has heartened its fans.球队的胜利鼓舞了它的粉丝。The firing of the team's star pitcher came as a surprise to fans and sports writers alike.这个球队的明星投球手被解雇,让球迷和体育新闻记者都感到吃惊。The pitch was invaded by angry fans.愤怒的球迷涌入球场。She was greeted by thousands of worshipful fans.她受到数千名崇拜她的粉丝的欢迎。The British fans chanted that familiar football mantra: "Here we go, here we go, here we go..."人群反复高喊着那个熟悉的足球口号:“加油!加油!加油…”Eager fans are already gathering outside the stadium.热切的球迷已经开始在体育场外聚集起来。The fans were barred from ever attending football matches in England again.这些球迷被永远禁止再到英格兰的球场观看足球赛。These racist football fans are pond life.这些种族主义球迷实在是些十足的蠢货。Some fans are against the use of video technology, arguing that it will slow the game down.有些球迷反对使用录像技术协助裁判,认为那将拖慢比赛。Millions of fans glim her on TV.数百万发烧友在荧屏上看她。The fans didn't hide their disgust at the umpire's decision.球迷们没有掩饰对裁判这一裁决的反感情绪。Angry fans invaded the pitch.愤怒的球迷涌进了场地。The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。Drunken football fans rampaged through the streets.喝醉酒的足球迷在街上横冲直撞。It was impossible to separate the rival fans.要把这些敌对的球迷分开是不可能的。Some of the fans rushed onto the pitch at the end of the match比赛结束时,一些球迷冲进了场地。The security men panicked as angry fans charged towards them.愤怒的球迷冲向他们时,保安人员陷入惊慌之中。Pop stars are often mobbed by their fans.流行音乐明星常常被成群结队的粉丝围住。As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage.我们进入场内时,被拥向舞台的歌迷们推来搡去。Hundreds of fans romped through the streets.成百上千的球迷欢快地走过街头。The fans were annoyed that the team gave away such a soft goal.球迷因球队如此轻易丢球而窝火。Chess fans around the globe watched the match with breathless interest.全世界的国际象棋迷都屏息静气观看这场对局。The actor's fans were trembling with/in anticipation when his limousine drove up.当那位演员的豪华轿车开过来时,他的粉丝们都激动得浑身发抖。Heartbroken fans camped outside his house in Beverly Hills.心碎的影迷在贝弗利山他家的门外扎营。The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support.那位演员向所有粉丝深表谢意,感谢他们的支持信。His absence from the team sheet dismayed some Tottenham fans.出场名单中没有他的名字让一些托特汉姆队的球迷感到沮丧。We don't want to disappoint the fans.我们不想让球迷们失望。The behaviour of fans has brought discredit on English football.球迷的行为已经损害了英格兰足球的名誉。The fans rejoiced when their team finally won the World Series. = The fans rejoiced in their team's World Series victory.当这支球队最终问鼎世界系列赛时,球迷们都欣喜若狂。




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