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词汇 extend
例句 The fields extend for miles without a break.田野绵延不断数英里。They will extend the subway from central Buffalo to the smaller towns around the city.他们将把地铁从布法罗的中心城区延伸到周围的小城市。We can extend our effectiveness enormously by the use of up-to-date technology.通过使用新技术我们可以大幅度扩大有效性。Leg extensions use the quadriceps muscles to extend the knee.腿部伸展运动利用四头肌伸展膝盖。The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.这块新领土面积可达加拿大大陆面积的五分之一。The streets extend radially from the city's center.街道从市中心向外辐射延伸。Next year we will greatly extend the range of goods that we sell.明年我们将大幅扩展所售商品的范围。I'll have to ask the bank to extend the repayment time on my loan.我将不得不请求银行延长我的贷款还款期限。Some of our courses extend over two years.我们有些课程修读期超过两年。The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.酒店行李搬运工因为被迫延长当班时间而愤愤不平。We would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.我们谨此向受害人家属表达我们衷心的慰唁。His lands extend as far as the eye can see.他的地产一望无际。I'd like to extend my apologies to everyone here.我谨向在座的诸位表示歉意。Suppliers do not always extend credit to new customers.供应商并不总是会向新客户提供信贷。We're hoping to extend the house.我们希望扩建房子。The bank says that they can extend the term of our mortgage.银行说可以延长我们的抵押借款年期。Plans to extend the hotel have now been passed.扩建酒店的计划现已获得通过。Her new-found tolerance does not extend to single mothers.她近来培养出一颗包容之心,可是对单身母亲仍然谈不上宽容。The company is hoping to extend its market still further.公司希望可以进一步拓展市场。The authors extend their sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to the book.作者向对促成该书的所有人致以诚挚的谢意。They claim that using their product will extend the life of the car.他们声称使用他们的产品可以延长汽车的使用寿命。The two countries agreed to extend reciprocal privileges to each other's citizens.两国同意给予对方公民以对等的特权。You will need to obtain planning permission if you want to extend your house.需要获得建筑许可才能扩建房屋。The offer doesn't extend to nonmembers.这种特价优惠不包括非会员。The US government is still trying to extend its influence over European politics.美国政府仍在设法扩展对欧洲政治的影响力。Your bank might agree to extend the period of the loan.银行也许会同意延长你的贷款期限。We extend our sympathy to the families of the victims.我们向遇难者家属致以慰问。I am writing to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family.谨以此信表示我对您和您家人的深切慰问。The unions have been able to extend their influence over all industries.工会已将其影响力扩大到所有的行业。Does this ladder extend?这架梯子能拉长吗?The talks will extend to the church, human rights groups and other social organizations.会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。You identify the able pupils and you extend them and you push them forward.你识出有才华的学生,锤炼他们,推其上进。He intends to extend his study to cover other ramifications of the problem.他想把自己的研究范围扩大到包括这一问题的其他有关门类。They want to extend the length of the school year. 他们想延长学年时间。The offices extend in an arc around north London.办公楼沿伦敦北部呈弧状延伸。The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.大堂行李员因被迫延长当班时间而感到很委屈。We decided to extend our visit by another day.我们决定将访问延长一天。The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals.食品业获准继续使用这些化学品。She's always willing to extend herself for others.她总愿意不遗余力地帮助他人。Can't you extend your visit for a few days?你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗?




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