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词汇 possessive
例句 Her husband was jealously possessive.她丈夫妒忌心重、占有欲强。I am possessive about my car.我不喜欢别人碰我的车。She is very possessive about Robert.她把罗伯特看成是她一人所有的。She is extremely possessive about her university friends, and doesn't like them mixing independently with her workmates.她对自己大学时代的朋友占有欲非常强,不喜欢他们独自与她的同事交往。She is very possessive about her toys.她的玩具谁也碰不得。Her boyfriend was getting too possessive so she finished with him.她的男友占有欲越来越强,所以她和他分手了。If you marry him, he is only going to become even more jealous and possessive than he is now.如果你嫁给他,他的嫉妒心和占有欲只会变得比现在还要强烈。She was too possessive, always wanting to know where I was, who I was with.她占有欲太强了,老是要知道我在哪里,和谁在一起。She's very possessive about her toys and finds it hard to share.她对自己的玩具占有欲太强,很难跟别人分享。He had a very possessive mother.他有一位占有欲极强的母亲。She became increasingly possessive and jealous.她的占有欲和忌妒心变得越来越强。People were very possessive about their coupons.人们很想独占礼券。Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me.丹尼可能会醋意大发,把我看得紧紧的。My daughter becomes very possessive about toys when other children come to our house.当别的孩子来我们家时,我女儿就一个人占着玩具,不让别人玩。He's so possessive about his new car.他的新车谁也碰不得。He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.他是一个占有欲强、奸诈而又蛮不讲理的人。He used to ring his possessive mother several times a day.他母亲控制欲很强,过去他常常一天给她打好几次电话。Why should he feel so possessive about some old photos?他为什么如此不希望将一些旧照片给别人看?She was terribly possessive of our eldest son.她对我们的长子占有欲非常强。Loretta's starting to get possessive and jealous.洛蕾塔开始变得占有欲强且嫉妒心重。She had always been possessive of her brother.她总是把弟弟看得紧紧的。




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