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词汇 possessing
例句 The police charged her with possessing an illegal firearm.警方指控她持有非法枪支。He was charged with possessing a fake passport.他被控持有假护照。She was charged with possessing drug paraphernalia.她被起诉拥有全套吸毒用具。She has been indicted for possessing cocaine.她因为持有可卡因而被起诉。The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.这个国家离拥有核武器只有一步之遥,这令人不寒而栗。Campbell was found guilty of possessing heroin.坎贝尔私藏海洛因的罪名成立。She saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality.她认为这位艺术家十分独特,对现实有着深刻的洞察。He admitted possessing nude photographs, but denied they were pornographic.他承认拥有一些裸照,但否认是色情的。He was then arrested and charged with possessing an offensive weapon.他随后被逮捕,并被控拥有攻击性武器。He admitted offences of possessing indecent photographs of children.他承认了藏有儿童不雅照片的罪行。The singer is currently under investigation for possessing illegal drugs.这名歌手因涉嫌非法持有毒品正在接受调查。Hamly admitted illegally possessing a handgun.哈姆利承认自己非法拥有手枪。He dreams of someday possessing great wealth.他梦想着有一天能拥有万贯家财。He was found guilty of possessing an unlicensed firearm.他被判犯有无证持枪罪。He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.他供认持有并散播假币。He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence.他被指控无证持有猎枪。They were found guilty of possessing petrol bombs.他们被发现私藏汽油弹而获罪。The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.该国离拥有核武器只有一步之遥,这令人不寒而栗。The defendant was charged with possessing cocaine.被告被指控持有可卡因。They pleaded guilty to possessing material likely to incite racial hatred.他们表示认罪,承认拥有可能煽动民族仇恨的材料。He was found guilty of possessing indecent photographs.他被判犯了藏有猥亵照片罪。They were all found guilty of illegally possessing firearms.他们全部被判犯有非法持枪罪。He was charged with possessing fire arms.他因持有枪械而被指控。




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