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词汇 possibility
例句 A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.一名发言人说政府有信心赢得选票,并且不愿意谈论落选的可能性。The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。There seems no possibility that such action can be averted.此类行为似乎无法避免。She was thrilled at the possibility of being sent to Europe.她因为有可能被派去欧洲而欣喜极了。We are considering the possibility of providing a new class for advanced students.我们在考虑为高级程度的学生开设一门新课的可能性。They are canvassing the possibility of opening an office in Sydney.他们正探讨在悉尼开设办事处的可能性。That, as we all know, is not only a possibility but a likelihood.众所周知,那不仅可能发生,而且是很可能发生。We cannot rule out the possibility of mistaken identity.我们不能排除有认错人的可能。Fisher speaks optimistically about the possibility of a vaccine.费希尔乐观地谈起了成功研制疫苗的可能性。One possibility for the weekend is to rent a car and go to the beach.要度周末,一种可能是可以租一辆车去海滩。Tax on food has become a very real possibility.极有可能征收食物税。His contract keeps open the possibility that he might return to the series.他的合同为他重回剧中演出留下了余地。I merely advance a possibility.我只不过提出一种可能性而已。That, as we all know, is not only a possibility but a likelihood.众所周知,那不仅是有可能,而且是很有可能。He may emerge as a presidential possibility, but his power base in Illinois is weak.他或许会当选为总统,但在伊利诺斯州支持他的力量很薄弱。The possibility of failure did cross my mind.我的确想过有失败的可能。This possibility was hardly ever made use of.这种可能性几乎从未加以利用。There is a very real possibility that we will be moving to Maine.我们很有可能会搬到缅因州去。Many scientists have theorized about/on the possibility of life on other planets.许多科学家从理论上说明了其他星球存在生命的可能性。We can't discount the possibility that the economy will worsen in the near future.我们对经济在不久的将来日趋恶化的可能性不能不予考虑。I'm very excited about the possibility of playing for England's first team.想到可能为英格兰首屈一指的球队效力,我非常兴奋。Other economists are more sanguine about the possibility of inflation.其他经济学家对于通货膨胀的可能性比较乐观。It's not just a possibility, it's a probability.这不只是可能发生,而是很可能发生。Sims has some numbness and weakness in her legs, and surgeons say there is a slim possibility of paralysis.西姆斯腿部有些麻木软弱感,外科医生说有瘫痪的可能性,但这种可能性不太大。There is a possibility of being able to trade off information for a reduced sentence.有可能以情报换取减刑。Food shortages are so severe that mass starvation is a definite possibility.食物严重短缺,必将出现大规模的饥荒。There seems to be no possibility of reconciling the two versions of what happened.关于发生的事情这两种说法似乎无法进行调和。There's a possibility that what he said is true.有可能他说的是真的。We have to face the possibility that the economy will get worse before it gets better.我们不得不承认,经济在好转之前有可能进一步恶化。There's a strong possibility that they'll marry in the spring.他们极有可能在春季结婚。The discovery raises the possibility of a cure for the disease. 这一发现使治愈这种疾病成为了可能。Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.政治家们谴责媒体夸大了发生骚乱的可能性。Allow for the possibility that taxes will rise.要考虑到税收增加的可能性。Workers are sweating bullets over the possibility of job losses.工人们十分担心丢掉工作。The decision bars the possibility of additional development in the area.这个决定排除了在该地区进一步开发的可能性。The whole town is patrolled by police because of the possibility of riots.为防止发生骚乱整个城镇都有警察巡逻。He has not ruled out the shock possibility of a return to football.他没有排除有一天会出惊人决定重返足坛。You shouldn't discount the possibility of him coming back.你不应该排除他回来的可能性。The General refused to entertain the possibility of defeat.将军拒绝考虑失败的可能性。The possibility of travel to other solar systems still lies in the distant future.到其他太阳系去的可能性还遥遥无期。




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