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词汇 Post
例句 Can you show me the way to the Post Office?你能否告诉我去邮局的路? The Post Office has confirmed that up to a thousand jobs could be lost in sorting offices.邮政已经确认邮件分拣处可能会裁掉一千个岗位。Many people were affronted by the Post's resort to sensationalism and scandal.许多人为《邮报》乞灵于追求轰动效应和一味报道丑闻而生气。The Post sent her to Bangladesh to report on the cholera epidemic.《邮报》派她前往孟加拉国报道流行性霍乱。We are going to the Post Office Tower.我们正准备去邮电大楼。Her criminal activities were finally exposed in the Washington Post by political columnist Richard McCallum.她的犯罪活动最终在《华盛顿邮报》上被政治专栏作家理查德·麦卡勒姆揭露了出来。The story was a Washington Post exclusive.这篇报导是《华盛顿邮报》的独家新闻。The person who invented Post-It notes must have made a fortune.发明报事贴的人肯定发大财了。Would you mind stopping at the Post Office on the way home?回家路上你去一趟邮局好吗?In Post Offices, virtually every document that's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp.基本上所有交到邮局柜台的文件都会加盖橡皮图章。The Post Office has issued some new Christmas stamps.邮局发行了一些新的圣诞节邮票。Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.后女权主义实际上并不存在,因为我们仍处在前女权主义阶段。Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank.她的钱存在邮政储蓄银行里。The latest scandal was quickly picked up by the hacks at The Post.最近的这个丑闻很快就被《邮报》那些蹩脚的写手拿去做文章了。Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.这个国家战后经济的重建必须从恢复农业生产开始。John wanted to move on from the Post to a bigger paper.约翰想从邮报社调到规模较大的报馆去工作。 The Washington Post leads with the latest news from Israel.《华盛顿邮报》头版头条报道以色列的最新消息。The senator's relationship with her family is a private matter - why put it on the front page of The Post?那位参议员同她家人的关系是私事—为什么要把这搬到《邮报》的头版上去?Post-operative infection can lengthen recovery time.术后感染有可能延长康复时间。Post-natal depression is no respecter of persons.产后抑郁很常见。The Post Office will issue a new first-class stamp.邮局将发行一种新的第一类邮件邮票。The runners and riders appear in Friday's Racing Post.赛马和骑手的资料都会刊载在星期五的《赛马邮报》上。The Washington Post complained of "two weeks of policy zigzags".《华盛顿邮报》指责说“这两周的政策朝令夕改”。The parcel was kept at the Post Office until someone called for it.包裹在有人来取之前由邮局保管。She works for the Post Office. 她在邮政部门工作。Woodward continues to be the Post's star reporter.伍德沃德依然是《邮报》最优秀的记者。She started as a photographer with Picture Post.她刚工作时是《图片邮报》的摄影师。What do you think? Drop me a line at the Washington Post Weekend section and share your thoughts.你是怎么想的?请写信来《华盛顿邮报·周末版》,把你的想法与大家分享。He's trying for a job in the Post Office.他正谋求邮局的职位。




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