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词汇 possessed
例句 She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性。They weren't the best side in the European Cup, but they possessed the will to win.他们算不上是欧洲杯赛中最强的队伍,但他们有取胜的决心。He is a man who is possessed of great talent. 他是个才华横溢的人。He's been running around the office this morning like a man possessed.他今天上午一直在办公室里跑来跑去,像个疯子似的。He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy.相传他有预言的能力。The ruby was once possessed by an ancient queen.这颗红宝石曾为古代的一位皇后所有。He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。He was screaming insults like a man possessed.他像个疯子一样破口大骂。The family possessed an extensive library.这个家庭有大量的藏书。He possessed his temper despite the insult.尽管受到了侮辱,他还是按捺住怒气。Maria was out in the car park, running like a woman possessed.玛丽亚在外面停车场里,像个疯女人似的跑着。She is a remarkably calm and self-possessed young woman.她是一位非常沉着冷静的年轻女子。He was a man possessed by greed, jealousy and lust.他是一个为贪婪、嫉妒和淫欲所支配的男人。She's a confident, self-possessed public speaker.她是个自信、镇定的演说家。What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him?究竟是什么让她同意嫁给他的?A terrible rage possessed her at that moment. 当时她怒火中烧。He possessed this capacity to separate his real life from the official side of affairs and not mix the two.他有能力把私生活与公务分开,不让两者混在一起。Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.茨维塔耶娃内心有一种想要离开莫斯科的狂热冲动。They believed she had been possessed by devils.他们认为她被魔鬼附身。The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers.纳卡尼是邪恶的魔鬼,长得像人类但具有超能力。The girl, alleged to be possessed by the devil, was exorcized live on TV.这女孩据称被魔鬼附身,电视上现场报道了为她驱魔的过程。She is clearly the most articulate and self-possessed member of her family.显然,她是全家口才最好、最沉着冷静的人。Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.米莱娜女王倾国倾城,她的美貌并没有随着岁月的流逝而褪减。He possessed a considerable legal erudition.他法律知识相当渊博。The people believed the girl was possessed by demons.人们相信这个女孩被魔鬼附了身。He possessed an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.他有一种特殊的能力,学语言很快。They were possessed by fear. 他们当时十分恐惧。She summoned up every ounce of strength she possessed.她使出了所有的力量。What possessed you to get involved with such a ridiculous scheme?究竟是什么让你参加如此荒唐的计划?He was possessed of an extroverted personality.他具有一种外向性格。One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit.该队的一大特点是斗志昂扬。He rushed out of the room like one possessed.他发疯似地冲出房间。He is possessed of the most brilliant talents.他才华横溢。Whatever possessed you to act so foolishly?究竟是什么使你干如此蠢事? He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy.他的精力异常充沛。A violent rage possessed him.他内心无比愤怒。The law requires a cooling-off period between the time a gun is purchased and when it may be possessed.法律规定在枪支购买和实际拿到枪支的时间之间要有一段冷静期。He possessed a vast store of knowledge.他的知识量很大。She was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.她内心有一种想要逃离莫斯科的狂热冲动。His family was possessed of a large fortune.他家拥有大笔财富。




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