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词汇 excused
例句 Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.很多人可能已经原谅了他们逃避责任的行为。I pleaded fatigue, and excused myself.我推说疲乏就告退了。His boss excused the mistake but told him to be more careful next time.他的老板原谅了他的错误,但告诉他下次要更加细心。He excused her carelessness in upsetting the ink.他原谅她不小心打翻了墨水。In all the hubbub over the election, you may be excused for missing yesterday's announcement.鉴于如今的选举一片混乱,没有听到昨天的公告也是情有可原的。In all the hubbub over the election, one might be excused for missing yesterday's announcement.在选举造成的一片混乱中,没有听到昨天的公告也是情有可原的。Can I be excused from swimming today? I have a cold.我今天能不去游泳吗? 我感冒了。He excused himself by saying he had had no alternative.他说他别无选择,以此来为自己开脱。She asked to be excused from attending that evening.她请求不出席那个晚会。She was excused duties on Saturday.她周六不用值班。You are excused to go vote and then come back.你现在可以去投票,然后回来。He excused himself for his delay.他因耽搁而请求原谅。He excused his delay as due to the weather.他解释说因天气不好所以耽搁了。Richard excused himself and went to his room.理查德礼貌地告辞,到自己的房间去了。Those who declined participation were excused and sent back to the classroom.那些拒绝参加的学生得到允许,并被送回课堂。Her father's illness excused her absence.她没来是因为爸爸病了。The judge excused herself from the case to avoid any appearance of impropriety.为避免出现任何不当的行为,那名女法官退出了此案的审理。Can I be excused from swimming today? I've got a cold.今天我可以不去游泳吗?我感冒了。None of that excused my uncharitable thoughts.我那些不近人情的想法无可开脱。She is usually excused from her duties during the school holidays.在学校放假期间,她通常不必担负职责。He quietly excused his clumsiness.他轻声地请求原谅自己的笨拙。I excused myself and ran back to the telephone.我说了声抱歉,跑回到电话机旁。The judge excused the young man's fine because of the unusual circumstances.由于当时情况特殊,法官豁免了那年轻人的罚款。He excused himself and went up to his room.他借故离开,回到了自己房间。The teacher excused the class from homework that day.那天,老师没有要求班里学生做家庭作业。He excused himself on the pretext of a stomach upset.他借口自己胃不舒服离开了。Henry got a stomachache and asked to be excused.亨利肚子疼请求离开一下。I excused myself and had to go downstairs to find the amenities.我说了声失陪,不得不下楼找厕所去。He was excused military service because of his flat feet.他因为扁平足而免服兵役。She excused herself for coming late.她因来晚而请求原谅。He excused himself from the party.他要求不参加这次聚会。I excused myself for interrupting him.我为打扰了他而道歉。I'd rather be excused from the meeting.我希望能不参加那个会议。Kinney asked to be excused from his duties on the board.金尼请求免去他在董事会中的职责。I was excused from jury duty.我被免除了陪审员的职务。You are excused the rest of the translation.你们可以免做余下的翻译题。As soon as he'd finished eating, he excused himself.他一吃完就告辞离开了。She excused her absence by saying that she was ill.她为她的缺席申辩,说是病了。




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