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词汇 hit the road
例句 Well, I guess it's time to hit the road.就这样吧,我想是时候告辞了。I was relieved to get back in the car and hit the road again.回到车里重新上路后,我松了一口气。She angrily told him to hit the road. 她生气地叫他走人。I got some petrol and hit the road again.我加了些油,继续开车上路。Once this thing hits the road properly, they are going to get absolutely monstered.一旦这事真正开始,他们肯定要受到斥责。Tom packed his car and hit the road for California.汤姆装好车,然后动身前往加利福尼亚。It's time we hit the road.我们该动身了。The following spring I hit the road.第二年春天我就上路了。He hooked up and hit the road again.他套好车又上路了。We'd better hit the road or we'll be late.我们最好早点上路吧,不然要迟到了。It's getting late, so I guess we'll hit the road for home.天晚了,我想我们该动身回家了。




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