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词汇 hit the ground
例句 The weapon discharged when it hit the ground.武器碰击地时走火了。The water balloon hit the ground and broke with a splat.注水球撞到地面,啪的一声摔碎了。I managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground.我在玻璃杯落地之前接住了它。The ball hit the ground and bounced high into the air.那个球触地反弹冲向空中。There was a sickening thud when the child fell from the tree and hit the ground.那个孩子从树上摔到地面时,很令人心悸。There was a sickening crash as her head hit the ground.她的头撞在地上,那响声让人揪心。The crowd watched in horror as the plane hit the ground and burst into flames.人群惊恐地看着飞机撞到地上烧成一团火。I dropped the book but managed to catch it before it hit the ground.书从我手中掉下,但我在它落地之前把它接住了。The sack hit the ground with a loud thump.袋子砰的一声重重地砸到地上。The helicopter burst into flames when it hit the ground.直升机撞到地面后燃起了大火。The boot made a dull thud as it hit the ground.靴子掉在地上,发出砰的一声闷响。The tanks exploded as the plane hit the ground.飞机坠地时油箱发生爆炸。Law graduates are expected to hit the ground running.人们期望法律系毕业生一开始就很顺利。The new administration hit the ground running after the inauguration.新一届政府在就职典礼后就迅速展开工作。Curtis was partially crushed underneath the helicopter as it hit the ground.直升机撞到地面时,柯蒂斯身体的一部分被飞机压住了。Employers want graduate recruits who can hit the ground running.雇主想要能够立刻入职的毕业生。There was a sickening thud as his head hit the ground.他的头撞在地上,发出一声可怕的闷响。




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