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词汇 exchange of views
例句 The conference provides a useful forum for the exchange of views and ideas.大会为观点和思想的交流提供了一个有用的论坛。There followed a frank exchange of views.接下来大家坦诚地交换了意见。She had a full and frank exchange of views with her boss before resigning.她在辞职前与老板开诚布公地充分交换了意见。A one-to-one meeting with the US President was necessary, if only for a deeper exchange of views.与美国总统一对一的会谈是必要的,即便仅仅是为了双方观点更深入的交流。A one-to-one meeting with the U.S. President was necessary, if only for a deeper exchange of views.与美国总统一对一的会谈是必要的,即便仅仅是为了双方观点更深入的交流。It's good to have a full and frank exchange of views.能够全面而又坦率地交换看法是件好事。




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