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词汇 hand out
例句 He handed out a cheque for £500 from the drawer and gave it to me.他从抽屉里拿出一张500镑的支票交给了我。Anna saw a man stick his hand out of the window.安娜看见一个人把手伸到窗外。Paula crouched down and held her hands out to the fire.葆拉蹲下来,双手伸向火堆。Demonstrators handed out leaflets to passers-by.示威者向路人发放传单。They handed out complimentary brochures.他们发放免费的小册子。He handed out the presents to everyone with a smile.他微笑着给每一个人分发礼物。Planning permission is handed out sparingly.建筑许可证的发放是很谨慎的。Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.参与政治分肥的政客们分发租金以赢得选票并影响民众。Food is still being handed out.还在向大家分发食物。Every Friday, Mr James would hand out the students’ essays and give them some feedback.每个星期五,詹姆斯先生会分发学生的文章,并给他们一些反馈意见。I automatically put my hand out to catch it.我不由自主地伸手去抓它。He reached his hand out for the book I offered him.他伸出手来接我给他的书。Take your hands out of your pockets nice and easy now.现在轻松自如地把手从口袋里伸出来。Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.活动人士派发了有关被动吸烟的宣传页。Santa Claus handed out presents to the children.圣诞老人给孩子们分发礼物。The speaker handed out booklets on AIDS awareness.演讲者分发了宣传艾滋病知识的小册子。Today the country's nationalists rule the roost and hand out the jobs.现今,这个国家由民族主义者掌权并分派工作。She held her hand out to halt him.她伸出手想拦住他。We handed out gifts of food and clothing to the survivors of the flood.我们向水灾中的幸存者周济了食品和衣物。He put his hand out formally, and Liza took it.他礼貌地伸出手,莉莎握了握。They will hand out copies of the newsletter today.今天他们会分发简讯。We don't just hand out jobs to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who walks in here.我们并不是谁走进来,就把工作随便给谁。The teacher asked her to hand out the worksheets.老师让她分发活页练习题。She handed out name tags for people to wear at the conference.她把会场上佩戴的名牌分发给了与会者。Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month.救助官员说第一批紧急援助的小麦和食用油是上月发放到这里的。One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.我的一项工作职责就是分发奖品。He handed out pins with the peace sign on them.他分发了带有和平标志的徽章。She held her hand out flat, to halt him.她平伸出一只手掌,要挡住他。The princess plans to hand out gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow.王妃计划明天到一家儿童医院去分发礼物。They give themselves complete discretion as to what information they will hand out.他们赋予自己发布信息的完全自主权。University degrees are being handed out like confetti.大学学位像五彩纸屑一样多得满天飞。He handed out the party favors as we were leaving.他在我们要离开时分发了聚会小礼物。The teacher handed out a sample essay/exam.老师下发了样文/样卷。The examination will start when all the question papers have been handed out.试卷全部分发完后考试就会开始。Campaigners handed out leaflets to passers-by.活动人士向过路人分发传单。She held her hand out flat.她把一只手平伸出来。Katherine angrily snatched her hand out of his grasp.凯瑟琳气愤地把被他紧紧抓住的手快速地抽了回来。She handed out the exam papers.她分发了试卷。She put her hand out to stop herself from falling.她伸出手臂以免摔倒。Take your hands out of your pockets.把你的手从口袋里拿出来。




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