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词汇 hand off
例句 Keep your hands off, it's mine.把你的手拿开,这是我的。Take your hands off me, you brute!把手松开,你这畜牲!Keep your grubby hands off me! 不要用你的脏手碰我!The military is asking lawmakers to keep their hands off the defense budget.军队要求立法者们不要干涉国防预算。Keep your hands off my milk.不准打我的牛奶的主意。He switched his hands off her.他迅速把手从她身上移开了。Please take your hands off me. 请把你的手从我身上拿开。Jones handed off the full-back and caught the ball.琼斯把对方的后卫推开,接住了来球。She warned her brother to keep his hands off her bag.她警告她的兄弟不许碰她的包。Roy took his hands off the steering wheel.罗伊将手从方向盘上挪开了。The quarterback faked to fullback and handed off to the halfback.四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球手递手传给了前卫。Angrily, she threw his hand off her shoulder.她火了,把他按在她肩上的手甩掉。Get your cottonpicking hands off my book.把你的臭手从我书本上拿开。




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