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词汇 handling
例句 Francis is a natural leader. He's very good at handling people.弗朗西斯是个天生的领袖,他很会处理人际关系。Always wash your hands after handling pet food.在触摸过宠物食品后都要洗手。He's been arrested for handling stolen goods.他因倒卖赃物被捕。The handling of the car was satisfactory.这辆汽车的驾驶性能令人满意。His handling of the situation could not have been worse.他对局势的把握真是糟透了。I had the car for two years and much enjoyed its excellent handling, quietness and silky gearchange.我的车买了两年了,我非常喜欢它卓越的操控性,安静舒适的驾车环境和平稳流畅的换挡操作。The car's handling was smooth.这辆车开起来很平稳。The president is facing a barrage of criticism over his handling of the crisis.总统对这场危机的处理面临着接二连三的批评。His statement on the handling of prisoners is worth quoting in full.他关于如何处置囚犯的那番话应该完整地引用。The report found fault with the police department for its handling of the case.这篇报道批评警方处理这一案件的手法。Inspector Dawkin will be handling this case.道金督察将负责这个案子。It's a lovely little car – the ride is comfortable and the handling excellent.这辆小汽车真棒 — 乘坐舒适,操控非常灵便。The President has been much criticized for his handling of the crisis.总统对这场危机的处理大受批评。The police have been heavily criticized for their handling of the case.警察因为对此案的处理方式受到了严厉的批评。This is a difficult case which needs sensitive and skilful handling.这是个难办的案子,需要谨慎对待、巧妙处理。Officials really boobed on handling the situation and made it worse.官员们在应对这一局面时犯了愚蠢的错误,使情况更糟了。In the eyes of the law, theft is a less serious crime than handling stolen goods.从法律的角度看,偷窃比买卖赃物罪行轻些。Her facile handling of this matter deserves praise.她对这件事的灵活处理值得赞扬。Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program.几个中央处理器能够分担某一单一程序中的数据处理需求。We need to be more consistent in handling this problem.在处理这个问题上我们需要更加坚持不懈。They have been sniping at each other, with the Democrats taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.他们一直在互相指责,其中民主党一方抨击总统的对外政策。Always wash your hands before handling food.拿食物之前一定要洗手。Young men were tutored in the art of handling horses.年轻男子都要学驭马的技巧。The police are expert at handling situations like this in strict confidence.警察处理这类事情很在行,可以绝对保密。Preston is particularly good at handling temperamental people.普雷斯顿特别擅长对付喜怒无常的人。Data handling skills are in short supply.数据处理方面的技术欠缺。Enclose two dollars for postage and handling.附上两美元作为邮费和手续费。Power steering can dramatically improve a car's handling.动力转向装置可以大大提高车辆的驾驶性能。So far, he seems to be handling the job well, but it's really too soon to judge.到目前为止,他的工作看起来还干得不错,但现在下结论还为时过早。We need a better system for handling incoming e-mail.我们需要一套更好的体系来处理收到的电子邮件。A police constable is handling all inquiries.一名警员在负责所有调查。The makers advise extreme caution when handling this material.制造商建议搬运这种材料时要格外小心。The dockers are claiming dirty money for handling a cargo of red oxide.码头工人因搬运一船红色氧化物正要求付给污损补贴。The government later admitted it had blundered in its handling of the affair.政府后来承认在处理这件事情时犯了大错。The governor has been criticized for his maladroit handling of the budget crisis.州长因没能妥善处理预算危机而遭到批评。He was arrested for handling stolen goods.他因买卖赃物而被捕。In an interview Monday, the Foreign Affairs Secretary tried to dispel doubts about his handling of the crisis.在星期一的一次采访中,外务部长试图消除人们对他危机处理能力的怀疑。Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations.一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议。Always wash your hands after handling uncooked meat.碰过生肉后一定要洗手。Their big mistake was to underestimate their opponents' skill in handling the news media.他们犯的大错就是小看了对手应付新闻媒体的能力。




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