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词汇 absent
例句 James was absent from school again today.詹姆士今天又没去上学。Some students have already been absent on a number of occasions.有些学生已经缺席好几次了。The ambassador was absent owing to illness.大使因病缺席。He was absent from school for two weeks.他两星期未去上课。The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.蛇的腿已经退化或完全消失。He made an absent reply to her question as he continued to watch the TV.他看着电视漫不经心地回答了她的问题。The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.人事部把员工因病缺勤的情况记录下来。Several people in the class are absent today.今天班里有几个人缺席。He was conspicuously absent from the meeting.大家都注意到他缺席了会议。He appeared drowsy and absent-minded.他看起来无精打采、心不在焉。He was absent from work for two weeks.他两个星期没有上班了。She was absent from work/school on three occasions.她旷工/旷课三次。Her mother is scatty and absent-minded.她母亲糊里糊涂,丢三落四。When the teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the classroom.老师不在时,教室里乱成一片。She was counted as absent from school that day.那天,她被算作逃学了。The British ambassador was notably absent.英国大使未到场,十分显眼。Johnston's name was conspicuously absent from the list.显然,约翰斯顿的名字不在名单上。Such scandals have not, alas, been absent.唉,这样的丑闻呀,从来就没少过。The number of students absent is five.有五名学生缺席。It's strange that he should be absent.真奇怪,他竟会缺席。She gave him a slight, absent-minded smile.她向他投去一个若有所思的隐笑。Elizabeth absent-mindedly picked a thread from his lapel.伊丽莎白心不在焉地从他的上衣翻领上揪下一根线头。Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.只有一个男孩缺席,那就是哈里。Most herbivore teeth are grinders, canines are usually absent.食草动物的牙齿大部分是臼齿,通常没有犬齿。The teacher marked him down as absent. 老师给他记了旷课。Joseph was mysteriously absent from work that morning.那天早上约瑟夫神秘地没来上班。The teacher marked the absent students on her list with crosses.老师在名单上旷课学生的名字旁边打叉做了记号。His wartime experiences were inexplicably absent from the diaries.他的战时经历莫名其妙地从日记中缺失了。Now and then he would become absent-minded and lapse into silence.他会不时显出心不在焉的样子,陷入沉默。He's the typical absent-minded professor.他是那种典型的健忘教授。He was absent solely on account of ill health.他仅仅是由于身体欠佳而缺席。A comparatively large number of students were absent.有相当多的学生缺席。At times she could be almost disconcertingly absent-minded.有时她几乎是健忘得令人尴尬。He's a brilliant scientist but hopelessly absent-minded.他是个杰出的科学家,但非常健忘。Nobody may be absent without cause.谁也不得无故缺席。In an attempt to provide an explanation she said she thought I had given her permission to be absent.为了作出解释,她说她以为我同意她请假了。For being absent-minded, Jim takes the cake.吉姆老是心不在焉,在这方面真是登峰造极了。Such scandals have not, alas, been absent.这样的丑事,唉,也不是没有。She marked him absent in the school register.她在学校的登记簿上注明他缺席。Notably absent from his statement was any hint of an apology.他的话里显然没有丝毫道歉的意思。




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