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词汇 reflex
例句 The fame of Greece was a reflex from the glory of Athens.希腊的盛名乃是雅典的光荣折射所致。Disagreeing with my suggestions has become almost a reflex for him.反对我的建议几乎成了他的习惯反应了。I had the conviction Larkin's nerve would crack and he'd squeeze the trigger in a reflex action.我确信拉金会神经崩溃,他会反射性地扣动扳机。A law should be a reflex of the popular will.法律应该是人民意志的反映。The invitation was simply a reflex of courtesy.那次设宴邀请纯属一种礼节性表示。The patellar reflex is automatic.膝反射是不由自主的。In a reflex, the effector muscle acts before your brain is able to think.在做反射动作时,效应肌肉在大脑意识之前就做出反应。The rapid movement of an object close to the eye triggers an automatic reflex.物体在眼前快速移动时,眼睛就会自动作出反应。He watched her smooth down her dress to cover her exposed thighs, a reflex action on her part.他看她捋平裙子以遮住裸露的大腿,这在她乃是一个下意识的动作。A reflex causes the contraction of the pupils when exposed to light.反射作用使瞳孔在受光刺激时收缩。Walsh fumbled in his pocket, a reflex from his smoking days.沃尔什在口袋里摸索着,这是他抽烟时养成的习惯动作。The goalkeeper made a couple of superb reflex saves.守门员反应敏捷地扑出了几个球。Walter fumbled in his pocket, a reflex from his smoking days.沃尔特在口袋中摸索,这是他吸烟那段时间形成的习惯动作。What had happened was just a stupid male reflex to an attractive woman.过去发生的种种只不过是一个鲁男子对一个俏女人的本能反应。I turned to look inside the house in a reflex action.我习惯性地转过身往房子里看了看。The blinking reflex can be set off by bright light.强光可以引起瞬目反射。Sneezing is a reflex action controlled by the medulla in the brain.打喷嚏是由大脑髓质控制的反射动作。We did not mean to do it. It was purely a reflex reaction.我们本没想这样做。纯粹是下意识的反应。At birth, an infant can perform only simple reflex actions and behaviours.刚出生的婴儿只会做出简单的反射动作和行为。You jerk back your hand from a flame by reflex action.由于反射作用,你的手碰上火会一下子缩回。Almost by reflex, he helped himself to a drink.几乎是下意识的,他给自己弄了杯酒。Almost as a reflex action, I grab my pen as the phone rings.就像是本能反应,电话铃一响我就会抓起钢笔。




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