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词汇 reflects
例句 The way that the refugees have been treated reflects very badly on the government.难民们所受到的待遇有损政府的形象。The upward adjustment in salaries reflects the current rate of inflation.工资的上调反映了当前的通货膨胀率。The sentence passed today reflects the severity of the crime.今天通过的判决表明罪行十分严重。It reflects real anger and apprehension about the future.它反映出对未来真实的愤怒和恐惧。Your achievement reflects well on your school. = Your achievement reflects credit on your school. 你的成就会给学校争光。This poll reflects what the Republicans of California are sensing.这次民意调查反映出加州的共和党意识到了什么。The move reflects a change in approach to research.这项举措反映了研究方法的改变。The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy.消费支出的下降反映出人们对经济的担忧。His latest book reflects the old preoccupations with sex and religion that typify much of his work.他的新书反映了人们历来对于性和宗教的关注,这也是他大部分作品的特点。The writer reflects on human injustice and iniquity.这位作家探讨了人类的不公正与邪恶。Your own personal behaviour as a teacher, outside of school hours, reflects on the school itself.你作为教师的个人行为,即使是在上课时间之外,也会关系到学校的形象。The way he conducts himself reflects on the party and will increase criticisms against him.他个人的行事方式给该党招来非议,也会招致更多对他个人的批评。Your own personal behavior as a teacher, outside of school hours, reflects on the school itself.作为教师,你在课堂以外的个人行为会影响人们对学校的印象。Military success always reflects well on the government in power at the time.军事上的成就总是充分反映了当权政府的能力。The article reflects the pessimism of its author.这篇文章反映出作者的悲观情绪。Her book clearly reflects her beliefs.她的书清楚表达了她的信念。The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.结果显示舆论出现一定程度的右倾。The rift within the organization reflects the growing bitterness of the dispute.组织内部严重失和反映出矛盾日趋升级。Annie's work reflects her philosophy that life is full of mysteries.安妮的作品反映了她的人生哲学,即生活充满神秘色彩。The design of the building reflects a modern/traditional/old-fashioned aesthetic.这个建筑的设计反映出现代的/传统的/过时的审美观。The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides.开场白的要旨反映了双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。This year's budget simply reflects the fact that we have fewer people out of work.本年度的预算仅仅反映出失业人口有所减少。In Milton's poem, Satan, even after his fall, dimly reflects his former glory.在弥尔顿的诗中,撒旦即便失败后也能依稀显出昔日的荣光。The move reflects changing attitudes among management.这一举措反映了管理层的态度摇摆不定。This kind of conduct reflects very poorly on you.这种行为会让你很丢脸。I think his view reflects the sentiment of a lot of fans.我想他的观点反映了许多追随者的想法。His art reflects his cultural/racial identity.他的艺术作品反映了他的文化/种族特性。The influence in house-building reflects demographic pressures in this part of the country.对住宅建筑业的影响反映了该国这个地区的人口压力。The failure reflects badly on the administration.这次失败给当局造成了恶劣影响。The survey reflects the perceptions of business people around the world.该调查反映了世界各地商界人士的看法。My disagreement with Geoff reflects our differing views on this issue.我与杰夫的分歧表明我们在这个问题上的观点不同。The screen reflects light from the sun.屏幕反射太阳光。The poem reflects the upbeat ambience of life.这首诗反映了乐观向上的生活基调。The change to the constitution reflects the wishes of the people who voted in the referendum.宪章的修改反映了在全民公决中投票的民众的愿望。But I digress. To get back to what I was saying, this poem reflects the poet's love of nature and his religious beliefs.我跑题了。回到我刚才说过的话上来,这首诗反映了诗人对大自然的热爱和自己的宗教信仰。His choice of clothes reflects his personality.他对衣服的选择反映了他的个性。In many of his poems the poet reflects on the quietude of the countryside.在他的许多诗中,诗人描写了乡村的宁静。This win reflects well on the growing strength of our young players.这次获胜充分体现了我们年轻球员的力量在不断壮大。The American Constitution reflects certain religious convictions.美国宪法反映了某些宗教信念。The dress reflects our signature style of understated elegance with a strong feeling of individuality.这套礼服展现出我们含蓄优雅但又极具个性的特质。




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