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词汇 reflected
例句 The television coverage of the trial reflected well on NBC.电视上对这个案件审理的报道充分体现了美国全国广播公司的能力。Concern was reflected in the government's budget.政府的预算显示出关心的问题。She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope.她稍想了一下,就果断地撕开了信封。Architecturally, these churches reflected the impact of the Renaissance.从建筑风格来看,这些教堂受到了文艺复兴的影响。He paused, drank a glass of his wine, reflected for a moment, and resumed.他停下来,喝了一杯酒,想了一会儿,又继续说了下去。Most people were outraged by the bombing, and their letters of sympathy reflected this sentiment.大多数人对这次爆炸事件都义愤填膺,他们的慰问信反映出了这种情绪。The sun reflected dully off the stone walls.石墙上反射出朦胧的日光。Well, I reflected, I couldn't say I hadn't been warned.嗯,我想,我可不能说没有事先得到警告。The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.钻石折射出的金色光芒令他着迷。The moon shines with reflected light. 月亮靠反射太阳光发光。Aunt Lilly's gifts were typically generous, and reflected her impeccable taste.莉莉姑妈的礼物向来是出手慷慨,并且反映了她那无可挑剔的品味。The narrowness of the government's victory reflected deep division within the Party.政府的勉强获胜反映了党内的严重分歧。The calm water reflected the mountains beautifully.平静的水面上映出山峦的美丽倒影。The white sand reflected the sun's heat.白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的热气。His eyes reflected his anguish.他的眼神透露出他的痛苦。By the calendar, Charles had reached the age of discretion; this was not reflected in his behaviour.从年纪上来看,查尔斯已经可以自行决定事情了;但这却并未反映在他的行为上。The affair hardly reflected well on the British.这个事件很难让人们对英国人有好印象。His image seemed to be reflected many times in the mirror.那面镜子里好像映现出很多个他的影像。The sound reflected back in one tenth of a second.声音在十分之一秒以后反射回来。The house reflected his taste.房子反映出他的品味。The film reflected a growing sophistication both in cinematic technique and subject-matter.影片反映了电影技巧和题材方面的日臻完善。The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.宝石反射出的金色光芒令他着迷。Her outbursts reflected her inability to cope with the loss of her brother.她的突然发脾气说明她无法应对失去兄弟这一事实。The lake reflected the surrounding mountains.周围的山峰倒映在湖面上。The condition of the house is reflected in its low price.这所房子的状况从其低廉的价格可见一斑。The interview reflected a growing rift between the President and the government.这段采访反映了总统和政府之间的裂痕越来越大。The pool reflected her picturesque beauty, in its adornment of flowers and wreathed foliage.在花和树叶构成的花环衬托下,水池反映出她画般的美丽。These exchanges reflected fundamental disagreements about methods and goals.这些交流反映出方法和目标方面的根本分歧。Warner's pay increase reflected his boss's satisfaction with his work.沃纳得到加薪反映出老板对他的工作是满意的。She basked in the reflected glory of her daughter's success.她享受着女儿的成功所带给她的荣耀。The book's main theme is reflected in the following passage.这本书的主题在下一段落中得到反映。As he reflected on his appalling behaviour, he mentally composed a letter of apology to his host.他一边反省自己的恶劣行为,一边打腹稿,给主人写道歉信。The affair hardly reflected well on the British.这件事没给英国人带来什么好影响。The survey reflected a very conservative view about what the ideal family structure should be.这次调查反映了人们在什么是理想的家庭结构这一问题上看法非常保守。The sound of our voices reflected off the walls of the tunnel.我们说话的声音从隧道的墙壁上反射回来。The light reflected off the mirror.光从镜子上反射回来。Where you learned a language is reflected in your accent.你的口音显示出你是在哪儿学习这门语言的。The report he submitted to his superiors accurately reflected the poor morale of the workers.他交给上级的那份报告准确地反映了员工低落的工作情绪。The still water reflected the full moon.平静的水面映出了满月。The old man reflected on the changes that had taken place since his youth.老人回想从自己的青年时期以来所发生的种种变化。




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