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例句 The two men evidently knew each other.这两个男人显然互相认识。Kathleen evidently ran things around the office and nothing could be done without her say-so.办公室里的事情显然是凯瑟琳管的,没有她点头同意,什么事也办不了。The two Russians evidently knew each other.那两个俄罗斯人明显彼此相识。Ancient Spartans were evidently taught to prefer death to dishonor.据说,古代斯巴达人曾被教导要宁死不屈。The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职,显然对随权力而来的各种额外实惠情有独钟。The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.军方显然担心在他的领导下,其活动将受到严重制约。Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.艾伦很急躁,很明显他处于紧张不安的状态。He was born evidently in Shanghai.根据现有材料,他生在上海。He was evidently uncomfortable.他表现得局促不安。The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.那个男子穿着浴袍,显然是刚刚从浴室出来。He had an accident, evidently because he was driving at excessive speed.他出了交通事故,据说事发时他超速驾驶。Ellis evidently wished to negotiate downwards after Atkinson had set the guidelines.埃利斯显然希望在阿特金森制定了指导方针后继续往下协商。The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职,他们显然喜爱权力所带来的一切。Evening was evidently approaching, but the sun did not relent.虽然已近黄昏,骄阳仍热辣辣地不减淫威。They had no money evidently.他们显然没有钱。She was evidently marked for greatness.她注定会成为伟人。The restaurant was evidently full.饭店里显然已经坐满了。From childhood, he was evidently at once rebellious and precocious.从儿时起,他就明显地既叛逆又早熟。The task was self-evidently impossible.很显然,这项任务是不可能完成的。He was evidently a rude, unpleasant child.据说他是个粗鲁而令人讨厌的孩子。The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.这支军队显然担心在他领导下活动会受到严重制约。This shows quite evidently that the tunnel should no longer be used by lorries.这很显然地表明隧道不能再允许货车通行了。Quite evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.很显然这与社会背景没有任何关系。Mrs. Griffin was evidently a big character in the neighbourhood.格里芬太太显然是这一带街坊的有名人物。She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.她明显地感到对这个女人有一种亲切感。She had evidently been attacked.她看起来遭到了袭击。A passing acquaintance who was evidently known to the family stopped to chat at our table.一个显然跟这家人都认识的熟人路过我们桌,停下脚步聊起天来。She was evidently a heavy smoker.她显然是个烟瘾很大的人。Voters have evidently lost faith in the government.选民们显然已经对政府失去了信心。He was evidently upset by the news of the accident.显然,他听到出了事故很是不安。Self-evidently a handful of companies will benefit.不言而喻的是少数几个公司会受益。She was evidently upset by what she saw.她显然对所见到的事情感到不快。




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