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词汇 engine
例句 To stop the engine, you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse (order).要想关掉发动机,你得按相反顺序重复同样的步骤。They tinkered with the engine他们修了修发动机。The engine in my car keeps pinging. 我的汽车的发动机一直砰砰作响。The car's got a dodgy engine.这辆轿车的发动机运转不良。Beware of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the blades.清洁叶片时,慎防误开引擎。There's never been a jet engine to outclass the Rolls Royce Avon.还没有一种喷气发动机能与劳斯莱斯埃文发动机相媲美。Arnold stopped the engine and got out of the car.阿诺德关掉发动机,下了车。The engine is heavy on fuel.这台发动机很费燃料。The ship developed engine trouble.轮船的发动机出了故障。If an engine packs in, there's not much the engineer can do about it until the plane is back on the ground.如果引擎坏了,那么在飞机着陆之前工程师也无能为力。What kind of engine do you have under the hood?你那罩下是个什么样的发动机?Water in the engine compartment is sucked away by a hose.发动机舱里的水由一条软管抽走。The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona.单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部的一个干涸的湖底着陆了。The engine has plenty of wear left.这台发动机还可以用好长一段时间。Two of them got out to fiddle around with the engine.其中两人下车鼓捣引擎。This search engine will only find sites that originate in Europe.这个搜索引擎只能找到欧洲的网站。When I reached the top of the stairs I was puffing and panting like an old steam engine.我爬到楼梯顶时喘得就像一台老式的蒸汽发动机。The engine thrummed.引擎嗡嗡作响。He knows every nook and cranny of that engine.他对那台发动机了如指掌。The car engine coughed a few times, but wouldn't start.汽车发动机吭哧吭哧响了几声,但没发动起来。I started to go up the hill and the engine just cut out on me.我开始驾车爬坡,发动机就熄火了。I kept the engine running because it might be necessary to leave fast.我没让发动机熄火,因为也许需要迅速离开。It's a nice car. The engine's really quiet.这车真好,引擎声音很轻。He bled all the oil from the engine before starting work.他在开始工作前抽干了发动机里所有的油。The engine started, revved and the car jerked away down the hill.引擎发动了,油门加大后车冲下了山坡。She got out of the car and left the engine running.她下了车,让引擎继续开着。The car engine was pinking slightly.车子的引擎发出一点点爆震声。The old bus was revving its engine, ready to start the journey back towards Madrid.这辆旧巴士发动了引擎,准备启程返回马德里。This model is powered by a diesel engine.这一型号由柴油机驱动。As far as he could tell the engine was in perfect working order.就他所知,发动机运转得相当好。The fine engine makes only a whisper when running at full speed.这台精良的发动机在全速运转时仅发出轻微的声音。He got into the driving seat and started the engine.他坐上驾驶座,发动了引擎。Ichecked the engine, but I couldn't find anything wrong.我检查了发动机,但没查出什么毛病。The engine sounded a bit suspect.引擎听上去有点问题。This engine is superior to that one.这台发动机比那台要好。The aircraft seems to have experienced an engine failure.这架飞机的发动机似乎出现过故障。The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine assembly.座身要非常坚固,足以承受发动机所有组件的重量。Little jets of steam spurted from the engine.发动机喷出一股股细小的蒸汽。I parked the car and switched off the engine.我停好车并关掉了发动机。I turned the key, but the car's engine balked. 我打了火,但汽车发动机仍不能启动




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