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词汇 醒来
例句 Gary woke at 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep.加里四点钟醒来后就再也睡不着了。Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard.隆冬时节的一个星期四,一大早醒来我就发现外面刮起了暴风雪。Would she wake to find Gaston sleeping peacefully at her side?醒来会发现加斯顿安详地睡在她身旁吗?The children had woken up in the night, frightened by the sound of thunder and lightning.夜里,孩子们因受到电闪雷鸣惊吓而醒来When I first wake up in the morning, my eyes are puffy.我早上一醒来,眼睛都是肿的。He fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until the afternoon.他呼呼大睡,直到下午才醒来I woke up completely refreshed.醒来后感到精神完全恢复了。Strangely enough, you will automatically wake up after this length of time.奇怪的是,过了这样一段时间你就会自己醒来He woke up in a good mood, and I'm just hoping it will last.醒来后心情不错,我只希望他的好心情能保持下去。We woke at sunrise.我们日出时醒来I awoke to the sound of rain.醒来听到下雨了。He woke up and hit the snooze button.醒来按下闹钟间歇按钮。He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.他随著一阵电铃的响声醒来On the morning of the expedition I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.出发远征的那个早上,我醒来就有一种灾难即将来临的感觉。He awoke from a sound sleep.他从酣睡中醒来I've now become sensitized to strange sounds in the night, and I often wake up.我现在对夜里异常的声响很敏感,常常醒来At midnight he awoke and listened to the radio for a few minutes.他半夜醒来,听了一会儿收音机。She was just awakening from sleep.她刚从睡梦中醒来She woke up in the instant before the phone rang.她刚刚醒来电话铃就响了。He roused up from sleep.他从睡梦中醒来It took him a few seconds after he woke up to bring his eyes into focus. 醒来几秒钟后他的眼睛才看清楚东西。Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.史蒂夫昏倒在地板上,醒来后什么也看不见了,还感到剧烈的疼痛。She awoke with a numbed feeling in her left leg.醒来觉得左腿麻木。She woke to feel a searing pain in her feet.醒来感到脚上火辣辣地痛。When she awoke in the night she tippled herself back to sleep.她夜里醒来后喝些酒又重新入睡。He woke up with a terrible headache.醒来后头痛欲裂。Babies often wake because they are hungry.婴儿醒来常常是因为饿了。He kept waking up in the middle of the night.他总是半夜里醒来He woke up at nine this morning.他今天早晨九点醒来When I wake up in the morning I'm often very short of breath.我早晨醒来时常觉得气喘得厉害。I nearly always wake up fresh and rested.我几乎每天醒来都精神抖擞,得到了充分休息。I fell asleep on the bus and ended up in Denver.我在巴士上睡着了,醒来竟到了丹佛。She drank too much last night and woke up sick this morning.她昨晚喝得太多了,早晨醒来就吐了。When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't remember a thing.第二天早晨醒来,我什么都记不得了。I delight in my armchair, whiling the overs away by dipping in and out of sleep.我喜欢舒服地躺在扶手椅上,一会儿睡去一会儿醒来,消磨多余的时光。I awakened at dawn to find him beside me.我在黎明醒来,发现他在我身边。She woke up in a cold sweat after a bad dream.她做了个噩梦,醒来一身冷汗。If I wake up in the night, it takes me ages to go back to sleep.我如果夜里醒来,就要很长时间才能再入睡。Karen woke up from a long sleep and rubbed her eyes.卡伦睡了一大觉后醒来揉了揉眼睛。They were waking up from a sleep and still didn't have their bearings.他们刚从睡梦中醒来,还没有弄清自己身在何处。




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