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He ordered the jury to disregard the witness's last statement.他命令陪审团对证人的最后一句话不予采信。The jury believed his brief and he got off.陪审团采信了他出庭律师的辩护,他因此逃脱了惩罚。The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.法官裁定该证据不能被采信。The Court of Appeal ruled that the conviction was unsafe.上诉法院判定该案证据不可采信。The judge did not admit the evidence on the grounds that it was immaterial.法官以证据无关紧要为由不予采信。Judge Hyam ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.海厄姆法官裁定该证据不予采信。Uncorroborated confessions should no longer be accepted by courts.无证据证实的供词不应再被法庭采信。 |