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词汇 embrace
例句 John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.约翰轻轻推开抱着他哭泣的妹妹。Many people are unwilling to embrace new technologies.很多人不愿意接受新科技。He held her in a warm/loving/tender embrace.他热情/深情/温柔地拥抱了她。Young people are more willing to embrace change.年轻人比较乐意接受变革。The scope of foreign policy expanded to embrace areas previously considered unimportant.外交政策的范围扩大到以前被认为是不重要的地区。He held out his arms to embrace his son.他伸出双臂拥抱他的儿子。That is a theory that precious few would have cared to embrace.那是一个只有极少数人愿意接受的理论。The children rushed into the embrace of their father.孩子们奔过去投入父亲的怀抱。All of us need to embrace the future.我们都需要拥抱未来。They held each other in a tender embrace.他们亲热地拥抱在一起。He locked her in his arms. = He locked her in a tight/close embrace. 他紧紧地抱住了她。They were locked in a passionate embrace on the station platform.他们在火车站站台上激情地紧紧相拥。He released her from his embrace.他不再拥抱着她。They'll be ready to embrace the new technology when it arrives.他们随时准备迎接新技术的问世。We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms.我们希望这些地区会乐意接受民主改革。She sank back into the embrace of the sofa.她向后一靠陷入沙发中。Closing her eyes, she melted into his embrace.她闭上眼睛,投入了他的怀抱。He closed his eyes and tightened his embrace.他闭上眼睛,抱得更紧了。The town nestles in the embrace of gently sculpted hills.小镇安卧在平缓山丘的怀抱里。She greeted me with a warm embrace.她用热烈的拥抱迎接我。He leaned over to embrace the child.他弯腰去拥抱那个孩子。Sally found it difficult to disengage herself from his embrace.萨莉感到很难摆脱他的拥抱。Two handsome young men are locked in a passionate embrace.两个英俊的年轻男子热烈地拥抱在一起。As I reached over to embrace her, she straight-armed me.当我伸手过去拥抱她时,她用手臂挡开了我。She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window.她从他怀抱里挣脱出来,走到窗前。China's increasingly affluent urbanites embrace all the trappings of the modern world.中国越来越富裕的都市居民全心拥抱现代的花花世界。This was an opportunity that he would embrace.这样的机会他是求之不得的。You can't embrace a religion without accepting its dogmas.你要信奉一种宗教,就得接受其教义。He returned the embrace for a moment.他回以片刻的拥抱。Now a passion began to embrace Andrew.这时安德鲁全身涌起一股激情。The two friends shared one last embrace.两个朋友最后一次拥抱在一起。We must embrace the opportunities presented by new media.我们必须把握新媒体所带来的机遇。They were locked in a loving embrace.他们甜密地紧紧拥抱在一起。She saw them embrace on the station platform.她看到他们在站台上拥抱。She held her son to her in an affectionate embrace.她亲切地将她儿子搂在怀里。Phoebe ran to embrace her mother.菲比跑过去拥抱她母亲。The little boy extricated himself from his mother's embrace.小男孩挣脱母亲的怀抱。He managed to free himself from her embrace.他从她的拥抱中挣脱了出来。They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.他们走近、拥抱,然后噗的一下就在一道炫目的光亮中消失了。She accepted his warm embrace.她接受了他热情的拥抱。




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