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词汇 ease up
例句 He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.他告诉支持者们即使眼下他在总统选举中领先也不要松懈。I wonder if you could ease up a little, as some more people want to sit down.不知你们能否往前挪一下,还有一些人需要座位。I've decided we need to ease up on Sally and take the pressure off her for a while.我拿定主意了,我们要对萨莉宽容些,减轻一下她的压力。The manager does not intend to ease up on his players for some time.主教练在一段时间内并不打算放松对球员的要求。My doctor told me I should ease up on fatty foods.我的医生要我少吃油腻食物。Things are beginning to ease up a little now.现在事态开始有所好转。The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.她服了止痛药后,疼痛开始缓解。The pressure should ease up soon.压力应该会很快得到缓解。You should ease up on the whisky.你应该少喝威士忌酒。As he got older, he started to ease up a little.随着年岁增长,他工作起来就不再那么拼命了。The manager does not intend to ease up on his players for some time.主教练并不打算在一段时间内放松对队员的要求。The rain had eased up.雨势已经减弱了。Just relax and ease up a little.放松一下干慢点。Officials have eased up on the press restrictions.官员们已经放松了对新闻界的限制。You should ease up on the boy and stop scolding him.你对这男孩子应该宽容一点,别再骂他了。The students might respond better if the teacher eased up on them a little.如果老师对他们包容一点,学生们可能回答得更好。The situation should ease up now that the two countries are prepared to talk.既然两国都准备谈判,形势就该缓和些了。




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