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词汇 Drink
例句 Drink will be the death of him.他的命会断送于酗酒。Drink up and go home, buddy.老兄,喝完快回家吧。Drink lots of fluids during exercise.锻炼时多喝些水。Drink fluids to hydrate the body.饮用流质给身体补水。Drink plenty of water each day to flush out your system.每天要大量喝水冲洗肠胃。Drink was his father's ruin and it will be the ruin of him too!酗酒是他父亲毁灭的原因,他也将遭同样的厄运! Drink up your sherry and we'll go.喝完你的雪利酒我们就走。Drink was his downfall.他的潦倒是因为酗酒。Drink up your sherry.把你的雪利酒喝光。Drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.大量喝水以免发生脱水。Drink it. It's supposed to give you a lift.把这喝下去。据信它可以提神。Drink up, it's time to go.喝完吧,该走了。Drink this, else you will be sick.把这喝下去,否则你会生病的。Drink a lot of water to flush the toxins out of your system.大量饮水来清除体内的毒素。Drink your coffee before it gets cold.趁咖啡还热喝了它吧。!Drink-drivers can reduce their suspension by fitting an interlock.通过安装联锁装置,酒驾司机可降低被吊销驾照的可能性。Drink up, everybody. Cheers!大家痛饮。干杯!Drink this and you'll soon warm up.喝下这东西,你马上就会暖和起来。Drink this. It will help you relax.把这喝了,它能帮助你放松。Drink-driving is one case in which severe punishment seems to work as a deterrent.酒后驾车是严惩似乎能起威慑作用的一个例子。Drink at least two litres of still mineral water throughout the day to aid detoxification.每天至少喝两公升无泡矿泉水帮助排毒。Drink was the bane of his life.酒是毁他一生的祸根。Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise.运动过程中渴了就喝点水。Drink plenty of liquid.多喝液体。Drink slowly to allow for better assimilation.喝得慢些,以便更好地吸收。Drink up, everyone, it's time to go.大家都喝光吧,是走的时候了。Drink up! It's time to go.该走了,都喝了吧!Drink plenty of water daily; that is my gospel.每天喝大量的水,那是我的信条。Drink up! The next round's on me.干杯!下一轮我请。Drink your juice, Thomas.把果汁喝完,托马斯。Drink hardens the skin and drugs etiolate it.酒会使皮肤老化,麻醉毒品会使皮肤苍白。Drink can unseal the shiest tongue.酒能使嘴巴最紧的人开腔说话。Drink up, and let's go home.喝完,然后咱们回家吧。Here's a glass of the vineyard's latest wine. Drink up!这是一杯葡萄园最新酿造的酒。干杯!Drink beer rather than spirits.喝啤酒,不要喝烈性酒。Drink barley water to soothe inflammation.喝点大麦水舒缓一下炎症。Drink up, there's time for another.干了吧,还有时间再来一杯。Drink plenty of water to replace the liquid lost by perspiration. 喝大量的水以补充出汗流失的水分。




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