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词汇 authenticity
例句 The authenticity of her story is beyond doubt.她讲述的事情的真实性不容置疑。We checked the authenticity of the signature.我们验证了签名的真实性。There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.然而,有些因素让人对该雕塑的真伪产生了怀疑。The film's authenticity of detail has impressed critics.这部电影在细节上的准确性给影评人留下了深刻的印象。The certificate attests the authenticity of the painting.鉴定书证明这幅画是真迹。What I contend for is the authenticity of the signature.我力主签名必须可靠。The fact that he plagiarized throws/brings/calls into question the authenticity of his earlier writings.他曾剽窃的事实让人们对他早期作品的真实性产生了怀疑。He was left behind to lend authenticity to the cover story of the stomachache.他被留下,以便使人相信胃病发作这一障人耳目的说法确实不谬。There has been some debate over the authenticity of his will.对于他的遗嘱的真实性一直有一些争论。The film's authenticity of detail has impressed critics.电影在细节上的真实性给影评人士留下了深刻的印象。There is little reason to doubt the authenticity of this document.没有什么理由怀疑这份文件的真实性。I can vouch for the authenticity of the document.我可以保证这份文件的真实性。Some have cast doubt on the authenticity of the official version of events.有些人对这些事件的官方说法有所怀疑。Despite its certificate of authenticity, the painting was a fake.尽管有鉴定证书,这幅画仍然是赝品。Archaeological evidence may help to establish the authenticity of the statue.考古证据可能有助于确定该塑像的真伪。That is a good story with the added merit of complete authenticity.那是一个好故事,而且完全真实。I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity.我认为手稿的真实性值得怀疑。He challenged the authenticity of the letter.他质疑这封信的真实性。The value of the evidence depends on its authenticity.证据的价值取决于它的确凿性。A handwriting expert witnessed to the authenticity of the letter.笔迹专家证明了这封信不是伪造的。The authenticity of the relics is open to doubt.这些圣徒遗物的真假有待考证。The poems are supposed to be by Sappho, but they are actually of doubtful authenticity.据信这些诗是萨福所作,但实际上其真实性令人怀疑。The caller had failed to use a recognised code word which would have verified the authenticity of the threat.打电话的人没有使用证明威胁确实存在的暗语。The story had the stamp of authenticity.这个故事足显真实。The entire production evinces authenticity and a real respect for the subject matter.整部作品表现出真实性以及对主题的真正尊重。Her account has a ring of authenticity about it.她对此的陈述似乎是真实的。




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