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词汇 authorization
例句 No authorization for such a flight had been given by the authorities in Washington.华盛顿当局未曾批准过这样一次飞行。Formal authorization for the trip was given last week.这次行程上周得到正式批准。The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.联合国将批准他动用军队运送救援物资的请求。You will need prior authorization from your bank.你需要事先得到你的开户银行的许可。They secured congressional authorization for a new hydro-electric dam.他们获得了国会的许可,修建一座坝式水力发电站。The government will probably refuse authorization under these conditions.在这些情况下政府很可能会拒绝批准。Children may not leave the building without the authorization of the principal.没有校长的许可,小孩子不能离开这幢楼。You cannot take a day off without authorization.未经批准不得休假。You need special authorization to park here.在此停车要有特别的许可。I can't approve the request without a written authorization.没有书面授权,我无法批准这项请求。Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。It was impossible for a private citizen to cross the frontier without special authorization.平民不经特准是不能越过边境的。We cannot act without the explicit authorization of the board.没有董事会的明确许可,我们什么也不能做。He asked for authorization to proceed with the plan.他请求批准继续推行这个计划。The action was taken without the authorization of the leadership.这次行动的实施并没有领导层的授权。As a result of growing world tensions, the army requested authorization to establish another base at Battery Cove.由于世界局势日趋紧张,军队要求准许在炮台湾再建立一个基地。The change of plan would require authorization from the president.变更计划需要得到总统的批准。




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