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词汇 authority
例句 The police have the authority to confiscate the drug dealer's property.警方有权没收毒贩的财产。The authority of these witnesses is beyond exception.这些证人的可靠性无可非议。He must be given authority from his superiors.他的上司一定给了他授权。Non-residents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district.非本地区居民未经所在地许可,不得进入该区域。Lawyers argue that the court exceeded its authority in ordering a new trial.律师们认为,法庭要求重新审理是越权行为。Surprising numbers of young people began to proclaim the illegitimacy of authority.为数惊人的年轻人开始公开宣称当局的非法性。She is known for overreaching her authority.大家都知道她越权。He seethed with mutinous feelings towards authority.他内心满是对当权者的不服。The president has ultimate authority/control/responsibility over the decision.总裁对决定具有最终的裁定权/控制权/责任。He tried to reassert his authority/leadership/power/control.他试图重新建立自己的权威/领导地位/权力/控制权。I'm afraid I don't have the authority to approve the sale.我恐怕没有权力批准这笔生意。The rules are set by the passenger transport authority.这些规定是由客运管理部门制定的。Make your views known by writing to those in authority, Government departments and your MP.给权威人士、政府机关和下院议员写信,让他们知道你的观点。I am truly disturbed by her unquestioning acceptance of authority.她对权威总是盲目地接受,这真是让我很担心。The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.现在欧共体越来越有自信与权威性了。This project is intended to complement, not replace, local authority programmes.该工程是为了补充而不是替换地方政府的计划。He took the car without authority.他未经许可就把车开走了。The unions called a two-hour strike in protest at the railway authority's announcement.各工会号召罢工两小时,以对铁路当局所发通告表示抗议。He disliked authority and, by extension, all government officials.他不喜欢当局,进而不喜欢所有政府官员。He holds no authority over us.他无权管我们。If the general found his authority questioned he invariably offered a sharp rebuke.将军在发现自己的权威遭到质疑时,总会给予严厉的斥责。No one in authority objected to the plan. = No one in a position of authority objected to the plan. 当权者没人反对这项计划。The plans were considered by the local planning authority.这些计划已经当地规划部门考虑。There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.支持强有力的中央集权的呼声无疑在高涨。Thus, no human opinion may be added to Scripture as an authority coordinate with Scripture.因此,人的意见不可加在《圣经》之上,成为与《圣经》地位同等的权威。Nursing agencies are subject to inspection by the health authority.护理机构要接受卫生管理机关的检查。In the British system, the mayor has no authority over the local police.在英国的体制中,市长无权管辖当地警察。The local authority decided that the present housing conditions constituted a risk for the mother and baby.地方当局认为目前的居住环境已对该母亲及婴儿构成了危险。He is an authority on international law.他是一位国际法权威。The water authority was successfully sued over his illness.就他的疾病对供水部门提起诉讼获胜。He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority.他的穿着打扮让大家都知道他已经掌权了。The board has supreme authority over such issues.董事会对这类问题有最高的权力。He's got the experience and the authority to carry it off.他有经验也有权力对付这个问题。He was a maverick with a healthy disregard for authority.他思想独立,不受权威所左右。Don't proceed any further with any plans or finalize any arrangements until you have proper authority.如果你没有适当的权力,就不要进行任何计划,也不要定下任何安排。Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament.未经议会授权不得征税。His natural authority fitted him for a senior position.他天生的威严使他适合担任领导工作。My mother demanded to speak to someone in authority.母亲要求同管事的人说话。The local authority has a duty to restore the child to its natural parents.当地政府有义务把孩子归还给其生身父母。Both defendants refused to acknowledge the authority of the court.两名被告都拒绝承认法庭的权威性。




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