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词汇 dredge up
例句 Robertson tried to dredge up an image of her in his mind.罗伯逊想要在心里回忆起她的形象。The police dredged up the body from the muddy river.警方从浑浊的河水中捞起尸体。Reporters dredged up the fact that the senator avoided the military draft.记者们又提起了这名参议员曾逃避服兵役的事。Details of his previous affairs were dredged up by the media.他以前那些事的细节被媒体挖掘了出来。The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river.警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。She didn't like to dredge up bad memories.她不喜欢重提那些令人不快的记忆。The article dredged up details of her unhappy childhood.文章翻出了她不幸的童年琐事。Newsweek magazine dredged up some remarks which he made last year.《新闻周刊》杂志翻出一些他去年讲过的话来。The media dredged up a scandal.媒体爆出了一桩丑闻。He likes to dredge up unpleasant little facts about the film stars.他喜欢收集(或回想)有关电影明星的不愉快的小事。They dredged up some old toys from the bottom of the trunk.他们从树干底部挖出一些旧玩具。The police dredged up the trunk of a dead woman from the river.警察从河水里打捞出一具女尸的躯体。Why try to dredge up the sad facts of the past?过去的伤心事何必重提呢? The fragments of memory she dredges up do not fit together.她想起的那些支离破碎的片段连不上。I wouldn't want to dredge up the past.我不想旧事重提。From somewhere she dredged up a brilliant smile.不知想到了什么,她露出粲然的一笑。The fragments of memory she dredges up do not fit together.她回忆起的那些支离破碎的片段连不上。




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