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词汇 downtown
例句 A cold wind, knifing through downtown streets, penetrated the thin coat she had on.寒风刮过市区街道,穿透她身上单薄的外衣。The newspapers played up the mayor's plan to plant trees downtown.报界大肆宣扬市长在市区植树的计划。The bustling downtown area of Chicago is dotted with massive new office developments.芝加哥的闹市区到处都是新建的办公大楼。Two armed men held up a downtown liquor store last night.昨晚两名持枪男子抢劫了市中心一家售酒的商店。Traffic in the downtown Boston area is awful.波士顿市中心区的交通情况坏透了。I have to go downtown later.稍后我得到市中心去。There is busy constructional activity in the downtown area.市中心区里建设忙。A new high-rise is going up downtown.市中心正在兴建一座新的高层建筑。We went downtown and had a kicking ass.我们去了市中心,玩得非常痛快。City leaders hope the project will breathe vitality/energy into the downtown.城市领导者希望这一项目能为市中心注入活力。Hotels in the downtown area were in direct competition with each other.市中心区的酒店短兵相接,相互竞争。McNally now owns a clutch of uberchic downtown celebrity hangouts.如今麦克内利在市中心拥有一片极其时尚的高档休闲场所。The downtown area is easily navigated on foot.步行就可以穿过市中心。A bomb went off downtown.一颗炸弹在闹市区爆炸。A huge explosion devastated the downtown area last night.昨晚一次巨大的爆炸炸毁了市中心区。A shopping district would bring new vitality to the downtown area.商业区将为市中心带来新的活力。Thirty people died in a fire in downtown Chicago.三十人死于芝加哥市区的一场火灾。We had dinner at a great little Italian place downtown.我们在闹市区一家很棒的意大利小餐馆就餐。The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美。She lives in a really beautiful apartment downtown.她住在位于闹市区的一套很漂亮的公寓里。I was downtown, so I decided to indulge in a little shopping.我在城里,于是决定尽情买点东西。The company is moving its sales center downtown.公司将把销售中心搬到市中心。You have to be downtown in a hurry.你得赶快去市中心。The downtown area is zoned for commercial use.市中心被划出供商业用。She lives downtown and rarely comes up to this part of the city.她住在市中心,很少到市里的这一带来。Our downtown office stays open till eleven.我们城里的办公室一直开到十一点。The criminals holed up in a downtown motel for a few days.罪犯在市中心的汽车旅馆躲了几天。Taylor worked in a dingy little office in downtown Chicago.泰勒在芝加哥市中心一间昏暗的小办公室里上班。He goes to a barber downtown.他去城里理发。Pickpocketing is rampant in the downtown area.闹市区扒窃现象很猖獗。She owns a gallery downtown.她在市里拥有一家美术作品店。There has been sporadic violence downtown.市中心偶有暴力事件发生。She commutes from her home in the suburbs to her office downtown.她在郊区的家和市中心的办公室之间乘公交车辆上下班。We are meeting downtown tomorrow.我们明天在市中心见。The city is trying to prettify its downtown.这座城市正努力美化商业区。The downtown area was a no-man's-land of abandoned buildings and decay.这个闹市区曾经是个只有废弃建筑和处于衰败状态的无人区。They went barhopping downtown on Friday night.周五晚上,他们去了市区一家接一家地换酒吧喝酒。Police claim to have found the gun used in this morning's robbery of a downtown convenience store.警方称他们已经找到今早在市中心一家便利店里发生的抢劫案所使用的枪。You know where the antique store is downtown?你知道这家古董店在市中心哪里吗?The subway is the fastest way to get downtown.坐地铁去市中心最快。




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