例句 |
A wolf's howl pierced the silence of the dark night.狼的嚎叫划破了黑夜的寂静。The dog howled over his master's body.狗趴在主人的尸体上嚎叫。Leeds fans howled in anguish as Arsenal scored another goal.阿森纳队又踢进一球,利兹队的球迷痛苦地嚎叫了起来。Far up the west rim of the canyon, a coyote yipped twice.远处峡谷的西缘,一只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night.这匹狼用爪子挠着树,嚎叫了整晚。He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash.当血从伤口中喷出时,他像一只受伤的动物一样嚎叫起来。 |