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词汇 噪声
例句 I can't concentrate because of the row the builders are making.建筑工人弄出那么大噪声,我没法集中注意力。We were sleeping peacefully when a sudden loud noise woke us up.我们睡得正香,突然一阵喧闹的噪声把我们吵醒了。The noise disturbed my concentration.噪声影响我集中注意力。Mrs Bennet put her hands over her ears to shut out the noise.贝内特太太双手捂着耳朵阻隔噪声Her concentration was unaffected by the constant noise.她的注意力没有被持续的噪声所影响。That noise is driving me insane/crazy.噪声快要把我逼疯了。I couldn't sleep because of the noise.噪声让我无法入睡。The noise nearly drove me bonkers.噪声快把我逼疯了。I can't stand all this noise.我受不了这么大的噪声You're driving me nearly insane with that noise.你那个噪声快把我逼疯了。The main complaint was the noise.主要的投诉对象是噪声Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.甚至很低的噪声也会分散我的注意力。The continual noise fretted the woman's nerves.不断的噪声使这女人的神经烦躁不安。All of the noise was interfering with my concentration. 种种噪声使我难以集中注意力。The cheering inside the stadium was unbelievable.体育场内的噪声大得令人难以置信。I listened as hard as I could, but I couldn't hear a word of what he said over all that noise.我尽力去听,但噪声太大,他说的话我一句都听不到。The noisy traffic on our street is a constant annoyance.在我们那条街上,行人车辆的噪声吵得人始终不得安生。The car is quite noisy at speed.这车快速行驶时噪声很大。But it's precisely because of the noise that they're thinking of moving.说实在的,就是那些噪声使他们想搬家。Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.请不要再发出那种噪声了!它吵得我很心烦。The engine's very quiet.这个引擎噪声很小。We were trying to talk above the noise.我们当时正努力使说话声盖过噪声The anti-noise group recommended sanctions against those factories that still offended.噪声组织建议惩处仍在违犯的工厂。Could you stop making that noise for a moment?停一停别发出那种噪声好吗?The clamor of the traffic gave me a headache.交通的噪声使我头疼。The director of the Noise Abatement Society said motorcycles were among the greatest causes of noise distress.噪声治理协会会长称,摩托车是噪音问题的主要起因之一。His main dislikes about work are the noise and dust in the factory.他不喜欢工作的主要原因是工厂里噪声和粉尘太大。My tolerance of noise is limited.我对噪声的忍耐力是有限的。A number of people have been onto me complaining about the noise.一些人来向我抱怨有关噪声的事。She was making a lot of noise.她在制造大量噪声Loud noise can damage the delicate membrane in the ear.很响的噪声会损伤脆弱的耳膜。Women are much more likely than men to waken because of noise.女性比男性更容易被噪声吵醒。That noise is driving me mad!噪声真是太烦人了!All that noise is disturbing my concentration.所有那些噪声都在分散我的注意力。Earplugs will attenuate the loud sounds of the machinery.耳塞会减小机器的噪声The noise from the construction was constant from early morning until evening.施工产生的噪声从早到晚一刻不停。I hear a loud noise when the car shifts.车换挡时我听到巨大的噪声There was so much noise from the engine that we had to shout to hear each other.引擎噪声太吵耳,我们只有大声喊才能听到对方说话。The thick carpet muted the noise coming from the flat below.厚地毯减弱了楼下房间传来的噪声I can't tolerate that noise.我不能忍受那种噪声




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