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词汇 噪音
例句 Examples of unsafe environmental conditions are noise, radiation, dust.不安全的环境条件,例如噪音、放射线和粉尘。Noise is the curse of modern city life.噪音是困扰现代城市生活的因素。He had been aware, even as he slept, of the noise of the engine.即使在睡觉的时候,他也一直听得到发动机的噪音And the problem is that they take exception to any kind of noise whatsoever.而且问题在于他们不能容忍任何形式的噪音How can I work with all this noise going on?这么大的噪音,我怎么工作?We live next door to a busy street and there is always a constant level of noise in the background.我们的家紧邻着一条热闹的大街,街上传来的噪音持续不断。The perpetual noise of the traffic was stressful.交通产生的持续性噪音让人精神紧张。We sighed with relief when the noise stopped.噪音停了下来,我们松了口气。The engine noise was no more than a soft hum.这台发动机的噪音仅仅是很低的嗡嗡声。The car is quite noisy at speed.这辆车高速行驶时噪音很大。At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds.最初长满树木的山坡吸收了噪音Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life.城市居民常将噪音当成城市生活的一部分。Gradually the noise and traffic increased as they approached the city.当他们接近城市时,噪音逐渐增加了,路上的车辆也越来越多。Excess noise can be reduced by muting alarms and telephones.减弱警报声和电话声可以降低过度的噪音Civil aircraft engines must be quiet, non-polluting, reliable and long-lasting.民用飞机的发动机必须噪音低、无污染、可靠、耐用。I don't mind the noise.我不介意那种噪音The noise of the drilling is intolerable.钻孔的噪音让人受不了。The new airport will just mean more noise, more traffic problems and higher land prices.新机场只意味着噪音将会更大,交通问题会更严重,而且地价会更为昂贵。At first she was bewildered by all the noise and activity of the city.起初,她对城市中的噪音和繁忙感到不知所措。His guitar makes a noise like a wooden ruler being twanged upon a desk…他的吉他发出一声仿佛木尺弹在课桌上的噪音He could hear eerie noises echoing through the corridors.他可以听见恐怖的噪音在走廊里回荡。Noise has become one of the main pollutants of modern city life.噪音已成为现代城市生活的主要污染之一。The neighbours complained to the police about the noise.邻居们就噪音的问题向警方投诉。The terrible noise is disrupting our sleep.恼人的噪音搅得我们无法入睡。The company's failure to comply with a noise abatement notice was reported to the procurator-fiscal.该公司因未能按通知要求减少噪音而被举报给地方检察官了。We had to shout above the noise of the engines.我们不得不大声喊,以盖住发动机的噪音The monotonous noise would stop at intervals, then resume after a while.那单调的噪音时而停一会儿,然后又响起。After a while you get used to all the noise.过一会儿你就会习惯这些噪音了。The noise was indescribable.那种噪音简直无法形容。People started to complain about his noisy motorbike.人们开始抱怨他那辆噪音很大的摩托车。Traffic noise is one of the minuses of living on a main road.车辆的噪音是住在交通干道旁的不利条件之一。The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。They put in insulating panels to kill the noise.他们装上隔音板以消除噪音The engine noise rises only slightly as I speed along.我高速行驶时,发动机的噪音只升高了一点点。The construction company decides to move heavy caterpillars into the worksite, an act which creates a lot of cacophonies for the residents.营造公司决定将大型机具移至工地,造成了对当地居民的许多噪音I couldn't sleep because of all the noise next door.隔壁的噪音让我睡不着。Noise can be quite a problem when you're living in a flat.住公寓噪音会很成问题。Fighting against noise in Spain is like tilting at windmills.在西班牙反对噪音简直就是白费力气。Proust lined his room with cork to insulate it against noise.普鲁斯特在他房间墙上衬了一层软木以隔绝噪音Except for traffic noise the night passed peacefully.除了车流的噪音,那一晚过得很平静。




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