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词汇 doubtful
例句 It is extremely doubtful that he will be fit enough to play in the final.以他的身体状况,能否参加决赛,大可怀疑。A lot of us felt doubtful about the project at the beginning.我们中大多数人一开始都对此计划心存怀疑。The doctor said she was doubtful that antibiotics would work.医生说她不敢肯定抗生素是否有效。They were doubtful about the technology.他们对这项技术表示怀疑。For a time it seemed doubtful that he would move at all.有一段时间他似乎根本不会搬家。It's doubtful that we'll finish this tonight.我们不大可能今晚就完成。Already the whole project was looking doubtful.整个项目的前景已显得难以预料。I am doubtful of the wisdom of your plan.我对你的计划是否明智有怀疑。The agreement seemed doubtful of achievement.看来协议不大可能达成。The truth of the statements was doubtful.这些说法不太可能是真实的。It's doubtful whether she'll attend the meeting.她未必会参加会议。It is doubtful that life could survive under such extreme conditions as these.在这种极端恶劣的条件下生命能否存活还很难说。It is doubtful whether this will work.这一着能否奏效说不定。The poems are supposed to be by Sappho, but they are actually of doubtful authenticity.据信这些诗是萨福所作,但实际上其真实性令人怀疑。The result of the President's re-election campaign remains doubtful.总统竞选连任的结果难以预料。At first we were doubtful about employing Charlie.起初我们对要不要聘用查理尚有疑虑。She was doubtful about the interview from the off.她从一开始就对面试心存疑虑。Already the whole scheme was looking increasingly doubtful.整个计划看起来已经越来越不大可能成功了。I was a bit doubtful at first, but it turned out to be a really good idea.一开始我有点怀疑,不过后来证明这是个非常好的主意。The company was hardly going to be keen on doing business with an obscure middleman with doubtful credentials.公司几乎不可能会积极地跟一个身份不明、背景可疑的经销商做生意。It is doubtful that the missing airmen will ever be found.失踪的空军士兵能否找到很难说。It is doubtful if she really meant what she said.她未必心口如一。I was doubtful that he could run his own company, but he's made a believer out of me. = He's made me a believer. 我曾对他能经营好自己的公司持怀疑态度,结果他让我信服了。Whether the authorities will allow inspection is highly doubtful.当局是否允许检查还是个大问号。She was rather doubtful about the wisdom of eating the seafood.她很怀疑吃海鲜是否明智。It is doubtful whether it will be possible to carry through the education reforms.对于能否成功实现教育改革,人们还心存疑虑。They were doubtful about the benefits of the new system. = They were doubtful of its benefits.他们对新系统的优势表示怀疑。How long this would continue was doubtful.这会持续多久,很难预料。It is doubtful whether this research is of any benefit to mankind.这项研究是否对人类有益值得怀疑。I was still very doubtful about the chances for success.我对能否成功仍然深表怀疑。We were doubtful the plan would work, but he managed to pull it off.我们曾怀疑计划的可行性,但他成功地实施了。Some British banks have used doubtful property revaluations to improve their capital ratios.有些英国银行通过使用不可靠的资产重估来提高它们的资本率。The results are of doubtful validity.这些结果的正确性值得怀疑。The more I thought about Carrie's suggestion, the more doubtful I became.我越考虑卡丽的建议就越有疑虑。He was doubtful about which plane to take.他犹豫不决,不知该乘哪架飞机。I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity.我认为手稿的真实性值得怀疑。I am doubtful about the correctness of that interpretation.我怀疑那种解释的正确性。Whether such trials will do any good for society is more doubtful.这样的审判能否给社会带来好处很难说。The outcome of his appeal is still doubtful.他上诉的结果仍悬而未定。The water available in the village is of doubtful quality.村里可用水的水质可能有问题。




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