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词汇 disapproval
例句 The angry crowd howled its disapproval.愤怒的人群怒吼着表示不答应。She went through with the wedding despite her parents' disapproval.她不顾父母的反对,坚持举行了婚礼。Her lip curled in disapproval.她不以为然地撇了一下嘴。His disapproval of the war looks good to voters, but I bet it's just a pose.他的反战言论看起来很受选民欢迎,但我敢肯定他只是做做样子。With a single wag of her finger she managed to convey her total disapproval.她只摇了一下手指,就清楚地表明了她完全不赞成。She was stiff with disapproval at the notion.她坚持反对这个念头。He cackled his disapproval.他唠唠叨叨地表示反对。His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public disapproval.鉴于检察长已公开表示反对,他的机会看来不大了。Even at this distance she could sense his disapproval.距离这么远她都能感觉到他的不以为然。Agatha took this as a sign of disapproval.阿加莎认为这是不赞成的表示。Peter was determined to go to art school, despite his parents’ disapproval.尽管父母反对,彼得还是决心要上艺术学校。There was a note of disapproval in the teacher's voice.老师的语气里透着反对的意思。Persistent disapproval or criticism can be highly demoralizing.一再的否定和批评可能会对信心造成严重打击。The government's proposals have been met with a growing chorus of disapproval.政府的提案遇到越来越多反对的呼声。There was a chorus of disapproval from the crowd.人群中一片反对声。His disapproval stopped her short.他的非难使她一下子变得目瞪口呆。Early murmurs of disapproval were quickly silenced.之前那些不以为然的嘟哝抱怨很快被平息了。The plan met with disapproval. 这项计划遭到反对。Clarissa shook her head in disapproval.克拉丽莎责备地摇摇头。He parodied Daniel, making his eyes wide with false disapproval.他故意模仿丹尼尔的样子,把眼睛睁得大大的,假装不同意。Seeing the look of disapproval on the doctor's face, I put out my cigarette.看到医生脸上不满的神情,我掐灭了香烟。To mark his disapproval he refused to go to the wedding.为了表明不赞成的态度,他拒绝参加婚礼。There is strong social disapproval for these activities.这些活动在社会上受到了强烈指责。She bleated her disapproval of her son's marriage to Amy.她用颤抖的声音表示不赞成儿子与艾咪的婚事。The president expressed his disapproval of protest groups that break the law.总统表示不赞成那些触犯法律的抗议团体。Her face registered her disapproval.她满脸不赞成。The Principal reacted to the school party with an air of sanctimonious disapproval.校长对学校聚会表示不悦,显出一种自命清高的样子。His actions were greeted with disapproval.他的行动遭到了反对。She made periodic clucks of disapproval.她不时地发出啧啧声,表示不赞成。He shook his head in mock disapproval.他摇摇头假装不同意。Nurses plan to show their disapproval by organizing a series of one-day strikes.护士们打算组织一连串的一日罢工来表达她们的反对态度。His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his disapproval.鉴于检察长已公开表示反对,他的机会看来不大了。She frowned disapproval.她皱起眉头以示不赞成。The decision met with widespread public disapproval.这一决定遭到公众广泛的反对。The crowd hooted its disapproval.群众大声反对。Her whole manner towards me radiated disapproval.她对待我的整个态度显露出不满。A frown is often an intimation of disapproval.皱眉头常常表示不赞许。Ralph Goodale clucks his disapproval.拉尔夫·古德尔啧啧地表示不满。The students are showing their disapproval by refusing to attend lectures.学生们通过罢课来表达他们的反对。She expected disapproval, but not the flat condemnation she actually received.她预料到会有人不赞成,但没想到却遭到断然谴责。




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