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词汇 马上就要
例句 The end of summer is just/right around the bend. 夏天马上就要过去了。Our budget is on the ragged edge as it is.看样子,我们马上就要超出预算了。The plane will take off soon.飞机马上就要起飞了。Shareholders would be immediately liable for tax on these huge gains.股东们马上就要为巨额收益纳税。The firm will soon go to the wall.该公司马上就要破产了。In a moment the ceremony was in train…仪式马上就要开始了。I am having a skin graft on my arm soon.马上就要接受手臂的皮肤移植手术。I've nearly finished the words for your song.马上就要完成你那首歌的歌词了。That country is on the edge of a general election.那个国家马上就要进行普选了。The rain will hold up very soon.马上就要停了。She looked as if she was about to cry.她看上去好像马上就要哭出来了。Christmas will soon be here.马上就要到圣诞节了。The train from New York is now arriving.从纽约方向来的列车马上就要进站了。The athletes were at the point of exhaustion.运动员们马上就要筋疲力尽了。Mary should be home any second.玛丽马上就要回家了。The concert was just about to start.音乐会马上就要开始了。We knew it'd be dark soon.我们知道天马上就要黑了。He seemed to be poised on the edge of Hollywood success.他好像马上就要在好莱坞立足扬名了。The statement excited new speculation that a senior official may be about to resign.这项声明又引发了新一轮的猜测,大家猜想一位高级部长或许马上就要辞职。In the courtroom everybody went into overdrive, assuming that there might well be a verdict soon.法庭里,人人都加倍紧张地行动起来,认为马上就要作出裁定了。She looked like she was ready to explode with anger.她看起来马上就要大发雷霆了。He mentioned to me that he would leave soon.他对我讲起他马上就要离开。The big Irishman was on the verge of losing his cool.这个大块头的爱尔兰人马上就要发火了。He was so pale she thought he was going to faint.他脸色惨白,她以为他马上就要昏倒了。She's in the final stretch. The baby's due next month.马上就要分娩了,预产期是下个月。Please sit down. The plane's about to take off.请坐好,飞机马上就要起飞了。Wait! She'll be on in a couple of seconds.等等!她马上就要出场了。I am going to step up to play at the top table.马上就要跻身于领导阶层。Starvation seemed to stare them in the face.看来他们马上就要饿肚子。You had better stock up with sugar because there is going to be a shortage.你最好购进食糖,因为市场上马上就要缺货了。The guests are coming any minute now, and the house is still a mess.我们的客人马上就要到了,可家里还是乱糟糟的。Didn't you hear? There's a storm heading our way.你没听说吗?暴风雨马上就要来了。The day was heavy and still. It would probably thunder later.天色阴沉,一丝风也没有。或许马上就要打雷。I'm almost finished - this is the last but one box to empty.马上就要完工了——现在还有最后两个箱子要清空。They were poised on the edge of success.他们马上就要取得成功了。Our guests should be arriving soon.我们的客人应该马上就要到了。Your birthday is approaching fast. = Your birthday is fast approaching. 你的生日马上就要到了。We will shortly be arriving in King's Cross Station.我们马上就要到国王十字车站了。We're approaching the height of the tourist season.我们马上就要到旅游旺季了。Researchers are close to finding a solution, but they haven't found the final pieces of the puzzle.研究者马上就要找到解决方案了,但还有最后一道难关。




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